
NEM Symbol sdk

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



TL; DR: Foundation C++ library for:

  • using the NEM's Symbol Blockchain core (offline) algorithms, like key management and creating or signing transactions.
  • interacting with REST API nodes of the NEM's Symbol Blockchain.

Why Symbol-sdk-cpp

The SDK Provides a foundation for C++ Application Development on the NEM's Symbol blockchain.

High level components

           SYMBOL SDK component overview
│                                                │
│           ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │
│           │                                  │ │
│    core   │    ┌─────┐    use    ┌─────┐     │ │
│ (offline) │    │ lib │◄──────────┤ HMI │     │ │
│shared lib │    └─────┘           └─────┘     │ │
│           │        ▲               ▲         │ │
│           │        │               │         │ │
│           └────────┼───────────────┼─────────┘ │
│                    │  inheritance  │           │
│           ┌────────┼───────────────┼─────────┐ │
│           │        │               │         │ │
│    rpc    │    ┌───┴─┐           ┌─┴───┐     │ │
│ (online)  │    │ lib │◄──────────┤ HMI │     │ │
│shared lib │    └─────┘   use     └─────┘     │ │
│           │                                  │ │
│           └──────────────────────────────────┘ │
│                                                │
lib - model classes
classes for building applications

                   HMI Human-Machine-Interface
                   clases for console interaction


git clone https://github.com/nemtech/symbol-sdk-cpp
cd symbol-sdk-cpp

Configure will clone catapult-server and cherry-pick files from it.


The configure.sh script has been tested on Debian / Ubuntu Linux.

install system-wide packages:

sudo scripts/configure.sh install system_reqs

Install manually the following library: (it is not yet included ubn configure.sh)


Create the _build directory builds and installs extra dependencies if needed.

scripts/configure.sh make

Note: For exploring more detailed functions access the main menu:

sudo scripts/configure.sh


Once configured proceed to build the project.

mkdir _build; cd _build
cmake  ..

You can pass options to cmake to specify alternative locations of the restc-cpp library using

cmake -DRESTCCPP_ROOT=<path_to_restc-cpp_cpp> ..

Paths shall point to a prefix directory containing standard directories bin, lib and include.


In order to install the library and clients applications in the configured install prefix type:

sudo make install

CMake accepts the useful definition for specifying the install target location.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<target_directory> ..

Project Governance:
