
Deploy your app with bash

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Deployment with Plow#

I've been rethinking my use of capistrano. My config files seem bloated with settings that are less about deployment and more about configuration. My callbacks are getting out of control. Going with a git-based strategy requires replacing a bunch of standard tasks.

Ultimately, it seems like Capistrano is more of a platform than a tool. I still like it but I want to see what else might work.

I decided to see what I could do if I just whipped up a few simple bash scripts that would do the deployment for me. No callbacks and leveraging the foreman config that I already have.

The idea here is that you take plow and customize it to your liking. I use bluepill to manage my unicorns. Don't use bluepill? Fine by me! Fork the repo and update bin/deploy to restart unicorn directly. You're only going to have to change one line of code.


bin/plow whoami production            # runs whoami script on production server
bin/plow gitrev production            # gets SHA for HEAD on production server
bin/plow --help                       # get usage instructions


cd to your rails app. Install plow with the following command:

 curl https://raw.github.com/mm53bar/plow/master/install.sh | sh

Now you'll have bin/plow in your app folder. Read bin/plow to see how it works.


Plow now supports downloading bash scripts as recipes. A Plowfile was adding to the root of your project directory when you first installed Plow. It consists of two sections - recipes and files.

Recipes are a list of URL's to bash scripts on the web that can install specific applications. See some sample Plow recipes at amaabca/plow_recipes. Keep in mind that these recipes are just bash - if you can install an app with bash then you can script it using Plow.

Files are a list of file paths on your local system that will be uploaded to the server and made available at /.plow/files/. Common files that you might want to upload to your server are your public keys (/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) or ssl certificates.

What's with the .env files?

Storing your config settings in an .env file is something I first read about in the 12-Factor app docs. Foreman also supports the .env files. When I started looking for a place to store config settings, an .env file made more sense than something like a Capfile.

I've also pushed this a bit further when it comes to support multi-stage deployments. If you are deploying your code to a staging environment, create an .env.staging file in your app with all of your staging settings. For production, create an env.production file. Those files will get copied up to your server as .env.


Make sure you have your ssh-config set up to forward your ssh keys.

What's next?

This is really just a proof of concept. Extra flags could be added and more functions could be to come. But this proves how easy it is to start.