
As of now ,it allows the user to manage (Create,Read,Delete,Update )his inventory details. The file is stored on the local machine.

Primary LanguagePython


As of now ,it allows the user to manage (Create,Read,Delete,Update )his inventory details. The file is stored on the local machine.

What Inspired this?

I was already familiar with creating web applications, but I was curious to experiment with creating desktop applications. I chose Tkinter because it is cross-compatible with popular operating systems like macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Another reason I wanted to explore desktop applications is that they allow data to be stored locally, rather than in the cloud. I wanted to demonstrate that CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are possible with desktop applications.

What it does?

For this project, I targeted a simple use case: storing records of books, which would include the author, title, ISBN, and year published. At the time of creating this, I incorporated the following functionalities, Create Records, Update Record, Delete Record, View All records, and Search for matching records.

This is how the Application looks like !

1. On Lauch

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 33 09 PM
**2. View All records **

Click "View All" button to retrieve all the records from DB. Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 34 02 PM

**3. Search for matching record**

Can query using the Title or author or year or ISBN. Used a OR matching for different fields. It will return records whose fields match the input.
For sake of demonstration, I added the following record.

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 43 39 PM
Let's search for author "charles". Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 44 49 PM
**4. Add a record**

Enter the details using the fields provided Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 37 35 PM
Click on "add a book" button to save to DB. Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 37 51 PM
It commits to the db, and refresh the list on the left to show the updated records.

**5. Update a record**

Let's update the record of the book i added in point number 4. Select the records from the text box on the left; And Change the title to Sample Edition-2. and hit the "update selected" button.

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 47 38 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 47 49 PM
**6. Delete a record**

Let's delete by selecting the John Doe record. Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 52 08 PM

As you can see, it no longer exists. Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 5 52 17 PM

How to run?

Just clone the repository, and run the command in your terminal "python frontend.py"