
This project studies the usage and surfaces of Java components by instrumenting them with Java agents.

calls-across-libs/libs-info-agent : Java agent that performs the analysis

calls-across-libs/libs-info-project-runner : Runs unit tests of Java components and instruments them using the agent


These commands run the tool on the Java components listed in calls-across-libs/libs-info-project-runner/projects/projects-list.json

1. cd /calls-across-libs/docker
2. docker build -t image-name .
3. docker run -v /path/to/this/repo/calls-across-libs:/calls-across-libs image-name # writes data to this repo's path


3. docker run -it image-name # writes data to the default Docker location

This should generate the data in /calls-across-libs/libs-info-project-runner/api-surface-data. Use

docker run -it image-name sh

to view the data if you used the second command.