
A commercial platform for managing dress rental orders. Built for TunzaTulle dresses.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TunzaTulle is an internal management tool for keeping track of the dress rentals.


An authorized admin can:

  • Authorize, block, or delete any other user accounts.
  • List new dresses.
  • Search for dresses by availability, age, width, height, color, title, description, or barcode.
  • Create and edit orders by selecting dresses and a customer from auto-complete lists.
  • Search existing orders by dates or status

Reminder emails are sent to all customers the day after their event after 6:00 am.

Technical details

  • Picture uploads handled by paperclip and stored remotely on AWS for faster load time.
  • Custom implementation of back and front end auth using BCrypt and bootstrapping user data.
  • Search parameters are persisted within the redux store to allow for multi-filter searches.
  • Initiates mailer tasks from an external service to ensure reliable mailing.

Reusable patterns

  • filtering by query

All queries are passed into the Model::filter method

# controllers/orders_controller.rb

@orders = Order
  .includes(:customer, :dress_orders ,:dresses)

Model::filter passes the relevant param to each method

# models/orders.rb

def self.filter(filters)

each method filters the collection proxy by it's filter param

def self.by_status(status)
  status ? where(status: status) : self
  • union of properties

The following pattern uses meta-programming to build collections of orders with ANY of the requested phase properties.

# models/orders.rb

def self.by_phase(phases)
  return all if phases.nil?
    .reduce(Order.none) { |acc, phase| acc + send(phase) }

def self.safe_phases(raw_phases)
  safe = Set.new(['past', 'current', 'future'])
  raw_phases.select { |phase| safe.include?(phase)}

def self.current
  where('? BETWEEN start_date AND end_date', Time.now)

def self.past
  where('end_date < ?', Time.now)

def self.future
  where('start_date > ?', Time.now)
  • form input handlers

This pattern uses functional programming to build a custom form input handler based on the field name parameter. It is compatible with several different input component APIs.

  handleChange(field) {
    return (e, i, val) => {
      this.setState({[field]: val || e.target.value})
  • filter buttons

This pattern is useful for dynamically placing filter buttons for entity filtering.


  filters={['past', 'current', 'future']}
  onChange={(filters) => this.props.updateFilter('phase', filters)}
  • form errorText

This pattern displays the errors from the Redux store, uniformly for each input field.

  const errors = this.props.errors;
  return (
      floatingLabelText="Bar code"
      value={this.state.barcode || this.props.barcode }
      errorText={ errors ? errors.barcode : '' }

API Endpoints



  • GET / - loads React web app



  • POST /api/users
    • Sign Up
  • GET /api/users
    • List users to approve
  • Patch /api/users
    • approve as admin


  • POST /api/session
    • Login
  • DELETE /api/session
    • Logout


  • GET /api/dresses
    • Dresses index/search
    • accepts date_range query params to filter by availability
    • accepts waist query param to filter by waist fit
    • accepts height query param to filter by height
    • accepts query param to filter by barcode, color, title, and description
    • accepts sleeve_length query param to filter by sleeve_length type
  • POST /api/dresses
    • Create listing
  • GET /api/dresses/:id
    • Will include the dress's order dates
  • PATCH /api/dresses/:id
  • DELETE /api/dresses/:id


  • GET /api/orders
    • accepts customer_id or dress_id query params
    • accepts phase and status query params
    • includes necessary dress, order and customer info
  • POST /api/orders
  • PATCH /api/orders/:id
  • DELETE /api/orders/:id


  • POST /api/customers

  • PATCH /api/customers/:id

  • DELETE /api/customers/:id

  • GET /api/customers/send_all_reminders

    • this initiates the reminder mailer to send all due emails

Database Schema


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
username string not null, indexed, unique
password_digest string not null
session_token string not null, indexed, unique
admin boolean not null, default: false


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
bar_code string
title string not null
color string not null
description text
image handled by paperclip
waist decimal not null
min_waist decimal not null
max_waist decimal not null
height decimal not null
min_height decimal not null
max_height decimal not null
age integer not null
min_age integer not null
max_age integer not null
sleeve_length string not null


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
order_id integer not null, foreign key (references orders), indexed
dress_id integer not null, foreign key (references dresses), indexed


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
customer_id integer not null, foreign key (references users), indexed
event_date date not null
start_date date not null
end_date date not null
status string not null, default: 'pending'
reminder_sent boolean default: false


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
name string
email string
phone_number string
address string
notes text


  • Complete test coverage