
An interactive and easy to use web-based editor for the OpenEO API.

Primary LanguageVueApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

openEO Web Editor

A web-based editor for interactive usage of the openEO API.

The Web Editor currently supports openEO API versions v1.0.x (including 1.0.0-rc.2).

Getting Started

The most recent stable version is always available at editor.openeo.org. There's also a (potentially unstable) demo of the development version with all the newest features.

You can also build the files yourself and deploy them to any web host:

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone or download this repository.
  3. Open a command line window and go to the directory which contains the cloned/downloaded web editor files.
  4. Configure the web editor by editing config.js and vue.config.js to suit your needs.
  5. Install the dependencies by executing npm install on the command line
    • Development: Run the development server by executing npm start.
    • Deployment: Build the project by executing npm run build. Afterwards upload the content of the dist folder to your server.

Query Parameters

You can use some query parameters to set initial state to the Editor.

  • server: Set a openEO back-end to connect to by default, e.g. https://earthengine.openeo.org
  • discover: If you want to skip authentication and just show the capabiltiies of the back-end, simply set to 1
  • process: Loads a process from a URL and shows it in the Model Builder.

Example: https://editor.openeo.org?server=https://earthengine.openeo.org&discover=1&process=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Open-EO/openeo-earthengine-driver/master/tests/data/sample-processgraph.json

Built With


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE.md file for details.