This code-base is no longer being maintained in this repository solely by Dr. Mike MacFerrin. It is being maintained and further developed at the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) with Dr. MacFerrin and co-workers at their Antarctica Today repository: This code contained here has been deprecated.
The "Antarctica Today" code and datasets necessary to create the database, update it, and generate plots and maps of results.
/baseline_datasets/ Datasets necessary for data generation, including the ice mask and region-area masks.
/data/ -- Storing all derived data products. (Source data from NSIDC is stored in the /Tb/ directory.)
/data/annual_sum_geotiffs/ -- GeoTiff files of the annual sum of melt days over the continent.
/data/gap_fill_data/ -- Data of computed mean climatologies used to fill missing gaps early in the datasets (especially in the 1980s), as well as occasional missing days/values in recent datasets.
/data/mean_climatology/ -- Data for comuting the mean climatologies.
/data/thresholds/ -- The annual Tb-threshold files (from Mote, et al.), delineating the threshold above which melt is nominally detected in the 37H microwave brightness temperatures.
/plots/ -- Directories for placing output line plots and maps.
/plots/annual_maps_sum/ -- After each melt season is finished, annual maps of the sum of melt days are generated and put here.
/plots/annual_maps_anomaly/ -- Annual maps of the anomaly from baseline averages of melt days.
/plots/annual_line_plots/ -- Annual line graphs of melt compared to the baseline data period (1990-2020).
/plots/daily_maps/ -- A place to put the daily-generated melt maps (empty for now).
/Tb/ -- Raw NSIDC Tb datasets (nsidc-0080, etc)
/qgis/ -- QGIS project that includes these datasets, for viewing. Also the vector Antarctica outline (from Quantarctica) for viewing and creating export maps.
/qgis/basemap_picklefiles/ -- A place to cache pickled versions of the basemaps. This increases efficiency of generating new basemaps with data plotted atop them.
/qgis/basins/ -- Shapefiles of the basin outlines (for generating maps).
/src/ -- Source code.
/src/conf_int/ -- utilities for generating confidence intervals and prediction intervals on long-term trend lines.
/src/src_baseline/ -- Source code used for generating the baseline datasets needed for the Antarctica Today dataset (namely, the gridded elevation, ice mask, and average annual temperature datasets).
All files outlined here are contained in the /src/ directory: