Classic and Modified FM (modFM) are sound synthesis techniques that can be used to generate harmonic instrument sounds.
ga-fm is a genetic algorithm (GA) using a fitness function based on harmonics analysis that is able to automatize the calibration of FM synthesis models for the reconstruction of harmonic instrument tones.
##Dependencies ga-fm requires some MATLAB toolboxes:
- Global optimization toolbox
- Parallel Computing Toolbox (to speed up the evolution)
##Getting start
- Put the WAV sound files you want to reconstruct in the sounds folder.
- Run matlabpool (start Parallel Computing Toolbox).
- Run scriptExpClassicFM.m (resp. scripExpModFM.m) to reconstruct your sounds using Classic FM (resp. ModFM).
- The results will be stored in classic.mat (resp. mod.mat) and the synthesized sounds written in the current folder.
- Neither the MATLAB code nor the GA parameters are optimized so be patient :).
- Limit yourself to short target sounds (around 2 seconds long).
##More info
- More information about the implementation can be find in this paper taken from the proceedings of SMC2012.
- The slides of the presentation are on slideshare.
- Some results are available to listen here.