
Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚧 Shepherd Broker Dashboard

This simple, full-stack web application allows a broker to complete and submit an insurance application for a client.


Demo (Local):

Note: This application was developed on a machine using an ARM processor, which may lead to unexpected issues during building on Linux/other systems.

Pre-Installation System Requirements:

  • Git (v2)
  • npm (v6)
  • Node.js (v16)
  • PostgreSQL (v13)


  1. In your terminal git clone https://github.com/foodforcode/hi_shepherd.git to clone repo.
  2. Navigate to root directory hi_shepherd/
  3. In your terminal psql -d test -a -f ./database/schema.sql to create PostgreSQL database and tables.
  4. In your terminal npm install to install all dependencies.
  5. In your terminal npm start to start server and build webpack bundle.

View in Browser:

Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser to view and use dashboard.

Completed Requirements:

  1. βœ… A simple web application for a broker to use.

    A simple, no-frills application that is intuitive and simple to use.

  2. βœ… A broker lands on the home page and is shown 2 application options. These options are coming from an API.

    An API is providing 2 application options to the broker.

  3. βœ… A broker clicks on an option and is shown a form with the respective fields.

    Upon clicking, a broker is shown the field inputs for the respective form.

  4. βœ… The broker submits the form upon validation and completion and the data is saved.

    The inputs are validated in the front end using required statements and type attributes.

    The data is saved to a PostgreSQL database and prevented from sql injection attacks.

    An alert is presented to display successful submission or error.

    Upon successful submission, a disabled form is displayed to present application information.

  5. βœ… The broker is allowed to submit a form only if they have an β€œauth” cookie with the value β€œshepherd”.

    Form submit only allowed for brokers authorized with headers { cookie: shepherd }

  6. βœ… A working localhost demo.

    The demo application can be tested locally at localhost:3000

  • πŸ’° Bonus:
    • Node.js

    • Express.js

    • React.js

    • Saving data to PostgreSQL database

    • Protection against SQL injection attacks

    • Peep the tab of the web application for a familiar favicon!

    • Lighthouse labs performance:

      Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 22 41 11 Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 22 48 35

πŸ— Architecture:

  • Front end:

React w/ hooks: A modern, popular front end framework used to create this Single Page Application that allows for seamless re-rendering of data without reloading. Hooks allow for the simple state management this project required without use of additional libraries. React is fast and highly scalable.

Reactstrap powered by Bootstrap: A toolkit for building mobile-first sites with responsive components. Provides increased accesibility which is a standard requirement. Great for getting this mvp completed in a timely manner and keep components uniform. Easily integrates with preprocessors.

Axios: A promise-based library used for retreiving application options and forms and sending form data.

  • Back end:

Node/Express server: A powerful, lighweight, non-blocking server to handle requests incoming HTTP request for mail and server static assests. Highly scalable to serve other data and make third party API or database requests.

Nodemon: A utility used for ease in development by restarting application upon file changes. Efficient for viewing changes during development.

node-postgres & pg-format: Modules for interfacing with postgreSQL database and writing dyanamic query strings. Used to keep backend code dry in the context of these unique, dynamic forms and protect against sql injections.

  • Build tools:

Webpack: This webpack is a custom configuration for this broker dashboard, chosen over Create React App for customizability and scalability. Webpack with Babel is used as a compiler, transpiler, and bundler to allow browers to read jsx code in one convenient, but large, bundle. Webpack can easily be configured for the addition of Sass and other libraries as needed during scaling.

πŸ“š Tech Stack:

Future Development:

  1. Add test coverage
  2. Add PDF generation upon form submission
  3. Add React Router for url 'redirect' to form pages
  4. Implement TypeScript for type checking
  5. Implement GraphQL: Provides more flexiblity to fetch data Allows additional type safety Prevents overfetching Limits bandwith and waterfall requests for faster loads particularly on mobile
  6. Add regex for increased validation
  7. Add additional UI design and micro-interactions
  8. Add true authorization for brokers