
a TypeScript ORM for Postgres

Primary LanguageTypeScript

npm CircleCI


An opinionated ORM for TypeScript/node/postgres.


  • Schema-driven code generation (continually-generated classes w/the getter/setter/relation boilerplate)
  • Guaranteed N+1 safe (pervasive use of Facebook's dataloader
  • All relations are async/await (with an ergonomic, type-safe escape hatch)
  • Great performance (all SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE operations are bulk)
  • Fast tests (for downstream projects, baseline is 10-20ms/test case)
  • Unit of Work (navigate between entities as a consistent graph)


See joist-orm.io for documentation.

Building Joist

After checkout:

  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn build
  • cd packages/integration-tests
  • Run make db to boot up a Docker postgres instance w/the integration test schema.
  • Run yarn test to run the tests.
  • Prior to committing your changes, run yarn workspaces run format


In general priority/itch order:

  • Integrate PotentialOperation ideas, i.e. a Book.canBeDeleted operation that can also be used as a validation rule
    • Wrinkle is that, when ran as a validation rule, it needs the original / pre-flush view of "what was this allowed before the user changed it"
    • Or instead of a validation rule, do we invoke the potential operation inline while the setter/mutation is running?
  • Open source joist-graphql-utils with the entityResolver logic in it
  • Fix reactive rules not catching "middle-references" changing (fixed?)
    • Use case: books within an author can't have the same title, but no author fields are read, so author changing shouldn't re-validate their books
  • Optionally move begin to the start of Unit of Work
  • readonly asyncValue that integrations into populate
  • Add Collection.load(loadHint) (see reference-load-with-populate-hint branch, potential tsc 3.9 issue)
  • Support user-defined types
    • Hack day: CalendarInterval that matches *_start_date, *_end_date, _duration_in_days
      • Would need to be able to add to Opts, Filters, derivedValue?
  • LargeCollection support
    • I.e. joist-config.json entry to mark (say) publisher.authors as "too big to never read at once" and use a different/restricted API, i.e. forced paging
  • First-class support for soft deletion
  • hasOneThrough that can be used as find/SQL filters
    • Need to declare in codegen to a) add to FilterType + b) verify once traverses relations
