
example of compiling python to c++

Primary LanguageC

So i began looking for some tutorial which would provide me with simple example of how i could compile python to compilable ".c" code. I found example in cython docs. Those examples weren't very helpful and weren't working. So here it is:

Step one: Dependencies

I presume that you have installed python and gcc already. So additionally youll need

sudo pip install cython

##Step two: Making your code compilable

As far as i know it is not possible to directly call your python function when compiling python code to c. You must expose some functions to be cython valid.

def What_did_one_snowman_say_to_the_other_snowman():

	print "Smells like carrot !"

cdef public void hatch():


lets save this into desmond.pyx file

next we need to create some main for our program:

#include <Python.h>

#include "desmond.h"

int main() {


    initdesmond(); //initializes your module

    hatch();	//function call



I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.

Now the most esential part


all: main 

main: main.c 

	cython desmond.pyx 

	g++ -c desmond.c -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7/ -lpython2.7 

	g++ main.c -g -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7/ -lpython2.7 desmond.o


	rm -rf *.o desmond.h desmond.c

this simple makefile allows you to compile all of this toghether, if you do not want compile it to be executable, just throw the last line g++ main.c -g -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7/ -lpython2.7 desmond.o