- 0xHridayCᴏᴅᴇWɪᴛʜKɪʟʟᴜᴀ
- 3forBeijing
- afrideva
- amlcodesNYC
- arnaucube0xPARC
- boskeyachtChicago, IL
- bufferhe4dLausanne, Switzerland
- felynoir
- FL03@Scattered-Systems
- gakonst@paradigmxyz
- han0110Taiwan
- HAOYUatHZ@scroll-tech @fluidex @ZenGo-X
- HilliamTLondon, United Kingdom
- HiramaDubai
- hlongvuVietnam
- huwenqing0606Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri, Rolla)
- ImmanuelSegol
- lonerapierSomewhere but not Here
- LuozhuZhangFuture
- massun-onibakuchiEarth
- Matehoo
- meejahcanada
- mmakerUC Berkeley
- MochittoItaly
- piotr-roslaniec
- Pratyush@arkworks-rs
- rajivpo@framework-labs
- SandalotsVolcanak
- SebastianElvis@babylonlabs-io
- Shalevos@sodot-rs
- spartucusweb3 world
- stephancill@mod-protocol @framesjs @open-frames
- tanpx12
- transmissions11
- tsubasakong
- tuxcanfly@bcoin-org @handshake-org