Basics of commiting changes
- Review of git basics See GitBasics.md
- Versions, revisions and commits (???)
- git commit --amend - change last commit's message, or add files, or even make change to a committed file. Good to do to keep a change in a single commit rather than two or more.
Viewing with GitX or other GUIs
The three trees - commit, index/staged, working directory.
Undo changes
- Resetting to previous version/commit
- git checkout
- git reset --hard, --soft, --mixed.
Collaborative distributed, decentralized editing
- X stash
- X conflicts
Branch concept
- Can be on your own machine and then merge into master and then destroy
- or can be on the central repository and shared.
Merging branches (all changes)
Merging individual files from a branch
Previewing a merge result - meaning ? What will be merged?
Deleting branches that have been merged.
- git branch -d
git push origin :branch
to delete remote branch.
fetch from a branch and see what changes would be merged.
git show-branch
detached head.
Pulling from two repositories.
- Can push also to both.
git reset git reflog git stash
git ls-files
Don't hesitate to create a new clone and work on that.
This avoids git stash
Make copies/backups of the repository and work on the copy to experiment
Explore git and SO to find out new things you can do with git.
Explore with 2 clones on the same machine, or on different machines.
Note that you don't need github/gitlab/bitbucket. You can have repos on a local machine or server and push to those using ssh logins.
separate a big commit into smaller more focused ones
combine several related commits into one.
refs and specs
- change the message for a commit.
git reset HEAD <file>
A problem arises for the first commit. There is no HEAD.
git rm --cached file
git diff --stat --cached origin/master
git merge --abort
How do I revert a single file?
- `git checkout -- file1
- https://blog.github.com/2015-06-08-how-to-undo-almost-anything-with-git/
- How do I go back n revisions of a single file?
Does git revert leave the SHA commit but undo the actual changes? Does git revert change multpile files if the commit is for multiple files.
Revert creates a new commit that reverses the edits from the commit being reverted. This keeps a history of the original commit and also it being reversed.
git rebase doesn't do this (?)
revert can lead to a conflict and you either a) manually resolve it,
or b) git revert --abort after git reset HEAD
and git checkout -- .
git ls-tree -r ref
All the commits up to rev?
git log --name-status rev
git show ref
Remove branches that were tracking branches on the remote(s) where those remote branches no longer exist
git remote prune
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
git show --pretty="" --name-only bd61ad98
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/424071/how-to-list-all-the-files-in-a-commit
git fetch
git log origin
git diff origin/master
git clone does this.
git fetch -all will collect more.
created on the remote?
git push -u origin Two
See SquashCommits
Removing commits?
See LateBranch
Say we have a HEAD at position K, then we continue with a sequence of commits up L ... Q Now suppose we realize we needed L ... Q on its own branch. How do we get them there.
- Create a new branch at the current point Q
- This has A ... K L ... Q
- On the original branch (perhaps master), rewind to K.
What is going on here
git revert f70fb
# detached HEAD
git reset --hard
The other 2 commits are in the tree/path.
git from the bottom up (PDF) https://jwiegley.github.io/git-from-the-bottom-up/