Simulations of Vicsek-like dynamics with repulsive particles, associated with the publication
Active particle dynamics beyond the jamming density, Daniel R. McCusker, Ruben van Drongelen, and Timon Idema 2019 EPL 125 36001
Please cite this work if you use any code contained in this repository.
Motivated by many examples of high-density systems composed of actively moving units, we set out to characterize the dynamics and phase space of such systems.
We found four distinct phases, characterized by dynamics/jamming and ordered/disordered motion.
Left: Simulation snapshots for three different parameter sets. Right: Corresponding locations in phase space
The code in this repository implements molecular dynamics in two dimensions for overdamped, self-propelled particles using Euler integration and a combined Verlet list/cell list data structure for tracking neighbors. The code also computes physical quantities of interest: effective diffusion constants, velocity correlations, density fluctuations.
Visualization produced by Ovito: A. Stukowski, Visualization and analysis of atomistic simulation data with OVITO – the Open Visualization Tool Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 18 (2010), 015012