Canonical blog extension

This extension allows you to add a simple frontend section to your flask app. All the articles are pulled from Canonical's Wordpress back-end through the JSON API.

This extension provides a blueprint with 3 routes:

  • "/": that returns the list of articles
  • "/": the article page
  • "/feed": provides a RSS feed for the page.

How to install

To install this extension as a requirement in your project, you can use PIP;

pip install

See also the documentation for (pip install)[].

How to use


The module expects HTML templates at blog/index.html, blog/article.html, blog/blog-card.html, blog/archives.html, blog/upcoming.html and blog/author.html.

An example of these templates can be found at


In your app you can then:

    import flask
    from import BlogViews
    from import build_blueprint

    app = flask.Flask(__name__)

    # ...

    blog_views = BlogViews()
    app.register_blueprint(build_blueprint(blog_views), url_prefix="/blog")

You can customise the blog through the following optional arguments:

    blog_views = BlogViews(
        tag_ids=[1, 12, 112],
        exclude_tags=[26, 34],
        feed_description="The Ubuntu Blog Feed",
        per_page=12, # OPTIONAL (defaults to 12)
    app.register_blueprint(build_blueprint(blog_views), url_prefix="/blog")


The blog extension leverages poetry for dependency management.


poetry install
poetry run poetry-setup


All tests can be run with poetry run pytest.

Regenerating Fixtures

All API calls are caught with VCR and saved as fixtures in the fixtures directory. If the API updates, all fixtures can easily be updated by just removing the fixtures directory and rerunning the tests.

To do this run rm -rf fixtures && poetry run pytest.