
The script creates users with defined options from a list

Primary LanguageShell

Script for creating vpn SSL users for the APM module of BIG-IP F5 via shell

The script automates the process of sign up the users, and configure the instance, groups, etc. You can add more options to the command. Here you can see the list:

Usage: ldbutil <operation> <arguments>
Operations is one of:
    --help      Display this help message
    --list      List all records
    --csv       Output all records in CSV format to file
    --show      Show a particular record
    --add       Add a record
    --delete    Delete a record
    --update    Update a record
    --sync      Sync latest cache updates to DB
    --force     Flush cache to DB - Must be used with --sync
    --backup    Backup all DB records
    --restore   Restore DB records from backup
    --hasync    Not yet implemented, only works with --when option
    --bulk      Used if this operation is part of a bulk update txn
    --allusers  Used with --list to show all types of users
    --when      Used with --hasync to show time of last HA synchronization

Arguments are one or more of:
    --uname="value"          Username
    --uid="value"            UID(a number)
    --instance="value"       Instance(e.g. /Common/vdb1)
    --password="value"       Password
    --user_groups="value"    Groups(comma separated)
    --lockout_start="value"  Lockout start (seconds since epoch)
    --locked_out="1 or 0"    1=User locked out, 0 otherwise
    --ttl="value"            Account creation time in seconds since epoch
    --duser="1 or 0"         1=Dynamically created user, 0 otherwise
    --login_failures="value" Number of login failures
    --change_passwd="1 or 0" 1=force passwd change, 0 otherwise
    --first_name="value"     First Name
    --last_name="value"      Last Name
    --email="value"          Email
    --limit="value"          Used with --list for pagination
    --file="value"           Filename for --backup, --restore and --csv
    --partition="value"      Used with --list for specific data

Definition of columns in the file data.txt

file: data.txt

username /Common/instance 123456789 group 0 0 0 firstname lastname mail@mail.com

I think most of the fields in the file you can get the idea what are they, but I will describe them just to be sure everyone understand them:

  • username: user name (he!)
  • /Common/instance: instance of the user
  • 123456789: password
  • group: group (hehe!)
  • 0: The number of login failure attempts for the uname
  • 0: Force the user to change their password 0 or 1 default 0 no password change required
  • 0: The user's access locked out status 0 or 1 default 0 not locked out

This is how the scripts looks like running in shell:

And if we check in the admin ui:

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