
A Lem formalization of EVM and some Isabelle/HOL proofs

Primary LanguageIsabelleOtherNOASSERTION

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Formalization of Ethereum Virtual Machine in Lem

This repository contains

  • (EI) an EVM implementation in Lem lem/evm.lem
  • (EI) a Keccak-256 implementation in Lem lem/keccak.lem
  • (EI) a form of functional correctness defined in Lem lem/evmNonExec.lem
  • (EI) a relational semantics that captures the environment's nondeterministic behavior RelationalSem.thy
  • (EI) some example verified contracts in example
  • (EI) a parser that parses hex code and emits an Isabelle/HOL expression representing the program parser/hexparser.rb
  • Elle, a work-in-progress verified compiler from a structured language to EVM in elle

Items marked (EI) are part of the original eth-isabelle distribution.

When you see \<Rightarrow> in the source, try using the Isabelle2017 interface. There you see instead.


This fork of eth-isabelle contains Elle, a compiler targeting EVM implemented in Isabelle that aims to be foundationally verified somewhat along the lines of CompCert

Building the LLLLC Standalone Executable

To build Elle's LLL compiler (llllc), only OCaml is needed (tested on version 4.02.3).

cd elle/generated


This should produce an executable, llllc.

To check the proofs of Elle and regenerate the file elle/generated/FourL.ml, which serves as the source file used to build the OCaml standalone version of Elle, run

make cleanGenerated

and then check the file elle/FourLExtract.thy using the Isabelle IDE. If you don't have Isabelle and Lem installed, you won't be able to regenerate elle/generated/FourL.ml, so be careful.

(adding support for a command-line build of elle/generated/FourL.ml is a TODO)

For more info on how to do this (which requires installing Lem and Isabelle), see the Eth-Isabelle README.

Testing the Elle Standalone Executable

Elle's llllc aims to be compatible in terms of inputs and outputs with the lll compiler included in Solidity. To test out the compiler, once you have built the llllc executable:

cd elle/tests

../generated/llllc echo.lll

(or any other lll file in the directory)

Currently the major limitations of Elle are the following (resolving both are TODOs):

  • Only supports a single payload returned by returnlll; furthermore, it will ignore all constructor code that takes place after the first returnlll.

  • Does not yet support lll's lit construct for embedding literals in a program.

  • Core compiler verification proofs are incomplete; this should be considered an unverified version of Elle.

Elle Syntax


Elle Semantics


Elle Compiler


Compiler Correctness



Though it aims for ironclad correctness stemming from foundational guarantees, Elle's correctness proofs are not yet complete, and it has not been thoroughly tested. Therefore it should not be considered production-quality at this time.

That said, if you're interested in learning more about the compiler and being part of the testing or development process, please contact Mario on Gitter.


The development of the Elle project is generously funded by ConsenSys.

Legacy Version

A previous version of the compiler exists in examples/LLLL.thy. It contains a number of lemmas that have ended up being unnecessary so far but may prove useful or educational.

Yoichi Hirai's original readme for Eth-Isabelle, describing the framework on which Elle is built, can be found here