
Helper scripts for [Capillary ML Hack](https://datahack.analyticsvidhya.com/contest/capillary-machine-learning-hackathon/)

Primary LanguagePython

Capillary Helper Scripts

ALS.py : collaborative filtering based recommendation script

Image embedding generation: For image embedding generation following scripts will be useful -

  1. autoencoder_training.py: Training script of autoencoder. saves the model

  2. hackathon_autoencoder.86-479.35.h5 : Basic autoencoder model based on the script autoencoder_training.py (can be tuned further)

  3. image_reader_converter.py : Created input dataset from given images , suitable to feed to autoencoder for embedding generation

  4. final_inferencing_features.py : inferencing script, loads the autoencoder model and generates 128 lenght vector for each image