The History of Space Flight

team members: Juan Carlos Lopez, Michael Mancinelli, and Zane Wolf


For CS171, we found and cleaned data from two locations (Kaggle's All Rocket Launches since 1957 and USC Satellite Database) to analyze and present a story regarding the history of the space industry. We concluded that in addition to the Space Race Age (1957-1975), there are two other defining ages of the space industry: The Exploration Age (1976-2011), which ended when the last Space Shuttle was flown, and the Commercialization Age (2012-Present), which is demarcated by the skyrocketing contributions of SpaceX as well as movement towards space tourism by Virgin Galactic and Blue Origins.

Our Code


  • all code included in the js/libraries, js/examples, js/FullPage.js folders
  • css/examples.css
  • css/fullpage.css
  • css/stars.css