
freeCodeCamp project: build a Simon game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


freeCodeCamp project: build a Simon game


For the curved buttons on the game console, I used the guidelines for creating a quarter of a ring found on StackOverflow: Quarter of a Ring


After my challenges with the Tic Tac Toe project, I attempted to use Test Driven Design for this project.

I implemented the QUnit testing framework.

Unfortunately, trying to implement tests for the scripting proved unsuccessful. I believe I need to seek further guidance and do some more research on this topic before trying again.

Git / GitHub

I successfully used branches for this project. I did have some issues with merging my final branch back into master to complete the project but was able to find some guidance on StackOverflow: Replacing Master Branch in Git.

Additionally, a friend introduced me to the -stash command which seems very helpful for pausing work on a particular issue to address something else.

Remaining Potential Improvements

  • Notify user they have not played enough buttons
  • related: Error timeout if no buttons are pressed for a specific amount of time
  • Cancel the display of user button clicks once computer RunThrough initiates (following an error)