A sample workflow of using Docker Containers to run a Kafka producer and consumer to view Apple stock prices in real time.

Tools used


navigate into the producer directory $ cd producer then install the Ruby dependencies $ bundle install

repeat in the consumer directory

To see the Kafka data in action

You will need to open 3 terminal windows. All commands should be issued from within the root project directory.

  1. first window: run Docker Compose to set up the Zookeeper instance and sets up the Kafka cluster along with the "Apple" topic, 3 partitions and 1 replica for fault tolerance $ docker-compose up

  2. second window: launch the producer script to publish the data to the kafka message topic $ ruby ./producer/src/producer.rb

  3. third window: launch the consumer script to view the data from the kafka topic $ ruby ./consumer/src/consumer.rb

To terminate the processes

$ CTRL + C in each terminal window