
In order to run the code, please be sure that you have installed Goji and mgo using command listed below.

go get
go get

As for the dataset, please download a CSV version of non-geospatial data( and make sure to place it under test folder.

Read CSV file and insert into mongoDB

I use default mongoDB port(27017) for this assignment. Execute reader.go under test folder using command

go run reader.go

and there should be a database called Building_data. Since the dataset is too large, I only insert the first 10000 records to the database. Check your mongoDB with dbKoda or whatever you like and you will see all the inserted records.

Test the APIs

Use one command line to run api.go. When it's connected to the database, there are two ways to test the APIs.

  1. Use any http develop tool like postman to send http request in the following format(all APIs receive get requests).
localhost:8080/buildings                      #for all records
localhost:8080/buildings/bid                  #bid can be replaced with any buildingID
localhost:8080/buildings/height/hgt           #hgt can be replaced with any float to query buildings which is at least of hgt height
localhost:8080/buildings/groupbytype/         #this request aggregate all buildings based on their type and return statistic result

2. Execute test.go to test all APIs, the responses will be write to files under the same folder. agg.txt store the responses of aggregate request, all_building.txt store info of all builidngs in database, height_test.txt store info of height query.