
Migrate all versions of a selected package from a registry to another one

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Migrate all versions of a selected package from a registry to another one.


const migrate = require('npm-migrate')

const moduleName = 'my-private-module'
const from = 'http://your-old.private-registry.com:8080'
const to = 'http://nice-new.private-registry.org:8080'

// optional
const options = {
    debug: false // default

migrate(moduleName, from, to, options)
    .then((migrated) => console.log(migrated)) // list of migrated packages
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))

What it does

  1. Fetches all versions (or just those not already migrated) as tarballs from old registry
  2. Extracts & updates package.json: the publishConfig.registry field to the new registry url
  3. Publishes each version to the new registry
  4. Cleans up after itself

Known issues

  • The dates of every version published will be reset to the date and time you run this script
  • The migrating user will be added as maintainer


  • v1.2.0 - Work with scoped packages
  • v1.3.0 - Compare both registries and migrate only the remaining versions not in the new registry