Convolutional Neural Network in R
The framework is tailored for experimentation not production environements.
Netowrk assumes a default architecture as follows:
Customized architectures can be input by filling the arch table
The framework assumes a padding non overlapping of size 2
Filter sizes and steps can be set manually
The network uses cross correlation without flip.
Key assumptions:
- Final layer is FC layer
- CONV layer cannot directly be followed by FC layer
Here we describe API notations
There are L+1 layer including final layer (Input data is denoted as layer 1 eventhough there are no operations related to it). We consider 4 types of layers 1.1 CONV-ACTIVATION: Convolution followed by an activation such as ReLU 1.2 POOL layer: max pooling, average, L1 pooling 1.3 final layer: fully connected layer 1.4 Input layer: only kept for convenience, there are no operations related to it.
L+1 layers of weights such that W_1=NULL and W_l=NULL if it's pooling layer each weight is a list composed of coefficients W and biad term b
such that Y_1=X (no operation) if l=2...(L+1): Y_l=X_(l+1), layer l output=layer l+1 input
deltas contain partial derivatives of cost by Z_l deltas_l=dE/dZ_l
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