
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


    -- This Plugin was inspired by Rick Olson's "masochism"-Plugin

multi_db uses a connection proxy, which sends read queries to slave databases,
and all write queries to the master database (Read/Write Split).
Within transactions, while executing ActiveRecord Observers and
within "with_master" blocks (see below), even read queries are sent to the 
master database.


Just drop the multi_db directory into your application's vendor/plugins dir.


In your database.yml, add sections for the slaves, e.g.:

  production: # that would be the master
    adapter: mysql
    database: myapp_production
    username: root
    host: localhost

  production_slave_database: # that would be a slave 
    adapter: mysql
    database: myapp_production
    username: root

  production_slave_database2: # another slave
  production_slave_database_some_server: # yet another one

NOTE: multi_db identifies slave databases by looking for "slave_database"
      somewhere in the database name!

To enable the proxy globally, add this to your environment.rb, or some file in


If you only want to enable it for specific environments, add this to 
the corresponding file in config/environments:

  config.after_initialize do

Differences to "masochism":

 * Support for multiple slave connections (round robin)
 * It sends anything except "select ..." queries to the master, instead of 
   sending only specific things to the master and anything "else" to the slave, 
   which is a lot more dangerous (e.g. "execute" wasn't sent to the master in 
   earlier versions of masochism)
 * It sends everything coming from AR-Observers to the master, to avoid race 
   conditions (idea from one of the commenters on a blog entry about masochism)
 * It uses its own query cache (with masochism, the slave's cache isn't emptied 
   when there are changes on the master)
 * It supports immediate failover for slave connections
 * It will wait some time before trying to query a failed slave database again
 * It supports nested "with_master"-blocks (in masochism, nesting such blocks 
   would unexpectedly switch you to the slave again)
 * It schedules a reconnect on the master connection to avoid problems
   with virtual, migrating IPs for the master (e.g. multi-master HA setups)
 * It's possible to specify slave_database instead of master_database which
   makes migration between with and without multi_db less dangerous
 * It allows environment specific settings for different slave setups
 * It doesn't come with set_to_master! and set_to_slave!, as these are 
   considered dangerous (and make no sense) in a multi-slave setup. Instead of 
   set_to_master!, use with_master { code }

Running tests

If you haven't already, install the rspec gem, then create an empty database
called "multi_db_test" (you might want to tweak the spec/config/database.yml).
From the plugin directory, run:

  spec spec

Copyright (c) 2008, Max Schöfmann <max (a) pragmatic-it de>
Released under the MIT license