Todo React App

The project is a simple todo list application built using React. It allows users to create a list of tasks, mark them as complete or incomplete, and delete them from the list. The application also stores the todos in local storage, so they persist across browser sessions.

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The main features of this todo project include:

  • Add new todos to the list
  • Mark todos as completed or incomplete
  • Delete todos from the list
  • Persist todos in local storage
  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop screens


The App.js file is a React component that renders a simple todo list application. Let's go through the code step-by-step to understand what's going on:

import './App.css';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { NewTodoForm } from './NewTodoForm';
import { TodoList } from './TodoList';

This imports the necessary dependencies for the application to work. useEffect and useState are React hooks that allow us to manage the component state and its lifecycle. NewTodoForm and TodoList are custom components defined elsewhere in the application.

function App() {
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState(() => {
    const localValue = localStorage.getItem('ITEMS');

    if (localValue === null) {
      return []
    } else {
      return JSON.parse(localValue);

Here, we define the state of the component using useState. todos is an array of todo items that are stored in the component's state. setTodos is a function that allows us to update the state of the component.

We set the initial state of todos by checking if there are any todo items stored in local storage. If there are, we parse the JSON and return the array. If there aren't any, we return an empty array.

  useEffect(() => {
    localStorage.setItem('ITEMS', JSON.stringify(todos))
  }, [todos])

This is a useEffect hook that runs whenever the todos state changes. It updates local storage with the current state of todos.

  function addTodo(title) {
    setTodos(currentTodos => {
      return [
          id: crypto.randomUUID(),
          completed: false

This is a function that adds a new todo item to the todos state. It generates a unique id for the new item using the crypto.randomUUID() method, and sets the completed status to false. It then adds the new todo item to the existing list of todos using the spread operator.

  function toggleTodo(id, completed) {
    setTodos(currentTodos => {
      return => {
        if ( === id) {
          return { ...todo, completed }
        return todo;

This function toggles the completed status of a todo item in the todos state. It uses the map method to iterate over each todo item and returns a new array with the updated todo item. If the id of the current todo item matches the id passed as an argument, its completed status is set to the value passed as an argument.

  function deleteTodo(id) {
    setTodos(currentTodos => {
      return currentTodos.filter(todo => !== id)

This function removes a todo item from the todos state. It uses the filter method to return a new array that includes all the todo items except for the one with the id passed as an argument.


  1. The first file you have is App.js. It is the main component that is being exported as the default export of the module. This component renders the Header and Meme components inside a div tag.
  2. The Meme component is defined in the second file, which imports React, useState and useEffect from the react module. This component sets up two useState hooks. One for meme, which is an object with topText, bottomText, and randomImage properties. The second hook is for allMemes, which is initialized to an empty array.
  3. There is an useEffect hook that is used to fetch data from the Imgflip API. It is called when the component mounts for the first time because the dependency array [] is empty. The API returns an array of meme objects which is stored in the allMemes state variable using setAllMemes.
  4. getMemeImage is a function that is called when the user clicks on the "Get a new meme image 🖼" button. This function uses Math.random() to generate a random index and selects a random meme from the allMemes array. The URL of the meme image is then stored in the randomImage property of the meme state variable using setMeme.
  5. The handleChange function is called when the user types in the input fields for the topText and bottomText. It sets the topText and bottomText properties of the meme object in state by using the object.
  6. Finally, the Meme component returns a main tag with two child div tags. The first div is a form that contains two input fields for topText and bottomText along with a button to generate a new meme image. The second div is an area to display the meme image along with its top and bottom text.
  7. The Header component is defined in a separate file and exports a simple header section with an image, the title "Meme Generator", and the project name "React Course - Project 3".

In summary, this app uses React to fetch data from an external API, allow the user to modify some text fields, and generate a new meme image with the modified text. It displays the result on the same page using the Meme component, and the Header component provides a header section to the page.


To install and run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change into the project directory: cd example
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Run the app: npm start


To use the application, follow these steps:

  1. Run npm start to start the development server
  2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
  3. Use the form to add new todos to the list
  4. Click on a todo to mark it as complete or incomplete
  5. Click the "Delete" button to remove a todo from the list.



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


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Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or feedback about this project. I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible.