Simple wrapper for Quip API v1 in Elixir
Expects a Quip personal access token to be available in environment variable $QUIP_TOKEN. Summon a token
The Quip API uses only GET and POST.
EQuip.Client.request(:get, "/threads/current")
{:ok, map_of_response}"/threads/new-document", map_of_post_data)
EQuip.Client.request(:post, "/threads/new-document", map_of_post_data)
{:ok, map_of_response}
Check out the docs to see all the stuff you can do.
The package can be installed as:
Add e_quip to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:e_quip, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure e_quip is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:e_quip]] end