
A command line tool for SugarCRM

Primary LanguagePHP


SugarCli is a command line tool to install and manage SugarCRM installations.


Get the latest phar archive at https://getsugarcli.inetprocess.fr/sugarcli.phar. Allow the execution and run it.

wget 'https://getsugarcli.inetprocess.fr/sugarcli.phar'
chmod +x ./sugarcli.phar

Or clone this git repository and use ./bin/sugarcli.


Clone the git repository and run php -dphar.readonly=0 bin/compile. It will build the sugarcli.phar at the top of the git project.


You can save some configurations options in different location. The latter one will override the previous one: /etc/sugarclirc $HOME/.sugarclirc ./.sugarclirc

Command line parameters will override these configurations.


    path: path/to/sugar
    url: http://external.url


./sugarcli.phar --help: This will give you the help and list of available commands.


Run tests

Copy the file phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and edit the environment variables.

Run the full test suite with bin/phpunit or exclude groups to avoid required external resources bin/phpunit --exclude-group inventory,sugarcrm-db

Available groups:

  • inventory
  • sugarcrm-db
  • sugarcrm-path
  • sugarcrm-url


Clean language files

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar clean:langfiles


--no-sort           Do not sort the files contents. It will still remove duplicates. Useful for testing.
-t, --test          Try to rewrite the files without modifying the contents. Imply --no-sort.
-p, --path=PATH     Path to SugarCRM installation.

Test run

./sugarcli.phar clean:langfiles --test path/to/sugar

This will parse the custom languages files from sugar. It should return the files as is.

Clean without sorting.

./sugarcli.phar clean:langfiles --no-sort path/to/sugar

This will clean the lang files by removing unecessary whitespaces and remove duplicates in variables definitions.

Clean and sort

./sugarcli.phar clean:langfiles path/to/sugar

This will clean and sort the language files. All defined variables will be sorted by name.

Install a SugarCRM

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar install

Subcommands are :

./sugarcli.phar install:config:get
./sugarcli.phar install:check
./sugarcli.phar install:run

Configure your installation

./sugarcli.phar install:config:get will create a config_si.php in the current directory.

This provides default settings for the installer. You will need to complete some require parameters like db information, usernames and passwords. Required fields are in the form <VALUE>.

install:config:get - Parameters

-c, --config=CONFIG   Write to this file instead of config_si.php. [default: "config_si.php"]
-f, --force           Overwrite existing file

install:check - Parameters

-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.

Run the installer

./sugarcli.phar install:run [-f|--force] [-s|--source[="..."]] [-c|--config[="..."]] path url

You need to specify an installation path and the public url for your sugar installation.

The installer will extract a SugarCRM installation package named sugar.zip or specified with the --source option.

It will use the --config option to use for the installation.

install:run - Parameters

-f, --force           Force installer to remove target directory if present.
-s, --source=SOURCE   Path to SugarCRM installation package. [default: "sugar.zip"]
-c, --config=CONFIG   PHP file to use as configuration for the installation. [default: "config_si.php"]
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.


./sugarcli.phar install:config:get
nano config_si.php
./sugarcli.phar install:run -v ~/www/sugar7 http://myserver.example.org/sugar7 --source ~/sugar_package/SugarPro-Full-

Use -v or -vv to add more verbose output.

Manage fields_meta_data and relationships tables

Two groups of commands are available to export and sync the content of the fields_meta_data table (custom fields from studio) and relationships (default and custom relationships).

The first has metadata as a prefix and the second has rels

By default the metadata definition file will be <sugar_path>/../db/fields_meta_data.yaml and the relationships will be <sugar_path>/../db/relationships.yaml.

You can override it with the --metadata-file parameter for all the metadata sub-commands and --file parameter for all the rels subcommands.

The main command are then ./sugarcli.phar metadata and ./sugarcli.phar rels

Subcommands are :

./sugarcli.phar metadata:loadfromfile
./sugarcli.phar metadata:dumptofile
./sugarcli.phar metadata:status

./sugarcli.phar rels:loadfromfile
./sugarcli.phar rels:dumptofile
./sugarcli.phar rels:status

The following explanations are made for metadata but are similar for rels

Load definition to the database

sugarcli {type}:loadfromfile Load fields defined in the meta data file to update the database.

metadata:loadfromfile Parameters

-s, --sql                          Print the sql queries that would have been executed.
-f, --force                        Really execute the SQL queries to modify the database.
-a, --add                          Add new fields from the file to the DB.
-d, --del                          Delete fields not present in the metadata file from the DB.
-u, --update                       Update the DB for modified fields in metadata file.
-p, --path=PATH                    Path to SugarCRM installation.
-m, --metadata-file=METADATA-FILE  Path to the metadata file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/fields_meta_data.yaml")

rels:loadfromfile Parameters

-s, --sql             Print the sql queries that would have been executed.
-f, --force           Really execute the SQL queries to modify the database.
-a, --add             Add new fields from the file to the DB.
-d, --del             Delete fields not present in the relationships file from the DB.
-u, --update          Update the DB for modified fields in relationships file.
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.
    --file=FILE       Path to the rels file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/relationships.yaml")

Write definition to a file

sugarcli {type}:dump

You can dump the current DB fields_meta_data (or relationships) contents into the definition file.

You can also use the --add, --del, --update flags to only add, delete or update fields (or relationships).

The fields specified after the command line will allow you to act only on specific fields (or relationships).

metadata:dumptofile Parameters

-a, --add                          Add new fields from the DB to the definition file.
-d, --del                          Delete fields not present in the DB from the metadata file.
-u, --update                       Update the metadata file for modified fields in the DB.
-p, --path=PATH                    Path to SugarCRM installation.
-m, --metadata-file=METADATA-FILE  Path to the metadata file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/fields_meta_data.yaml")

rels:dumptofile Parameters

-a, --add             Add new relationships from the DB to the definition file.
-d, --del             Delete relationships not present in the DB
-u, --update          Update the relationships in the DB.
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.
    --file=FILE       Path to the rels file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/relationships.yaml")

Get the Status

sugarcli {type}:status -p path/to/sugar

This will show which fields are differing between the definition file and the database.

metadata:status Parameters

-p, --path=PATH                    Path to SugarCRM installation.
-m, --metadata-file=METADATA-FILE  Path to the metadata file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/fields_meta_data.yaml")

rels:status Parameters

-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.
    --file=FILE       Path to the rels file. (default: "<sugar_path>/../db/relationships.yaml")


The main command is ./sugarcli.phar inventory

Subcommands are :

./sugarcli.phar inventory:facter
./sugarcli.phar inventory:agent

Get Facts about your environment.

./sugarcli.phar inventory:facter --path <sugracrm_path> --format yml will give you a yaml file with various information about the system and the sugarcrm instance.

inventory:facter Parameters

-F, --custom-fact=CUSTOM-FACT  Add or override facts. Format: path.to.fact:value (multiple values allowed)
-f, --format=FORMAT            Specify the output format. (json|yml|xml). [default: "yml"]
-p, --path=PATH                Path to SugarCRM installation.

Report information to an inventory server.

./sugarcli.phar inventory:agent --path <sugarcrm_path> --account-name 'Name of client' <inventory_url> <username> <password>

This will send all the gathered facts to the inventory server.

inventory:agent Parameters

-F, --custom-fact=CUSTOM-FACT    Add or override facts. Format: path.to.fact:value (multiple values allowed)
-p, --path=PATH                  Path to SugarCRM installation.
-a, --account-name=ACCOUNT-NAME  Name of the account.

User management

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar user

Subcommands are :

./sugarcli.phar user:update
./sugarcli.phar user:create
./sugarcli.phar user:list

Update a user

./sugarcli.phar user:update --path <sugarcrm_path> --first-name=Admin --last-name='Test' myNewLogin will update the user myNewLogin and set the first and last name.

user:update Parameters

-c, --create                 Create the user instead of updating it. Optional if called with users:create.
-f, --first-name=FIRST-NAME  First name of the user.
-l, --last-name=LAST-NAME    Last name of the user.
-P, --password=PASSWORD      Password of the user [UNSAFE].
    --ask-password           Ask for user password.
-a, --admin=ADMIN            Make the user administrator. [yes/no]
-A, --active=ACTIVE          Make the user active. [yes/no]
-p, --path=PATH              Path to SugarCRM installation.

Create a new user

./sugarcli.phar user:create --path <sugarcrm_path> --password=mypasword --admin=yes myNewLogin will create a new admin user with login myNewLogin and password mypasword.

user:create Parameters

-c, --create                 Create the user instead of updating it. Optional if called with users:create.
-f, --first-name=FIRST-NAME  First name of the user.
-l, --last-name=LAST-NAME    Last name of the user.
-P, --password=PASSWORD      Password of the user [UNSAFE].
    --ask-password           Ask for user password.
-a, --admin=ADMIN            Make the user administrator. [yes/no]
-A, --active=ACTIVE          Make the user active. [yes/no]
-p, --path=PATH              Path to SugarCRM installation.

List users of an instance.

./sugarcli.phar user:list --path <sugarcrm_path> will give you a nice output of the users.

You can also limit the result to a specific username (--username) and change the output format (--format) to json, yml or xml.

user:list Parameters

-u, --username=USERNAME  Login of the user.
-f, --format=FORMAT      Output format. (text|json|yml|xml) [default: "text"]
-F, --fields=FIELDS      List of comma separated field name. [default: "id,user_name,is_admin,status,first_name,last_name"]
-l, --lang=LANG          Lang for display. [default: "en_us"]
-p, --path=PATH          Path to SugarCRM installation.


The main command is ./sugarcli.phar system

Subcommands are:

./sugarcli.phar system:quickrepair

Do a Quick Repair & Rebuild

./sugarcli.phar system:quickrepair --path <sugarcrm_path> will do a basic Quick Repair & Rebuild of your SugarCRM instance.

You can also use --database to see if Vardefs are synchronized with the Database.

If they are not in sync you can run the queries by adding --force.

Finally, if you want to have the full output from SugarCRM, add the verbose (--verbose) option.

system:quickrepair Parameters

-d, --database        Manage database changes.
-f, --force           Really execute the SQL queries (displayed by using -v).
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.


The command ./sugarcli.phar system:quickrepair --database has that type of output:

 - Repair Done.

Database Messages:
Database tables are synced with vardefs

Logic Hooks

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar hooks

Subcommands are:

./sugarcli.phar hooks:list

List the existing logic hooks for a module

./sugarcli.phar hooks:list --path <sugarcrm_path> --module <module> will generate of list of hooks for the specified module.

That command lists the hooks with, for each, its Weight, description, the file where the class is defined, the method called, and where it's defined.

You can also use --compact to have the basic informations about hooks (Weight / Description / Method).


-m, --module=MODULE   Module's name.
    --compact         Activate compact mode
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.


The command ./sugarcli.phar hooks:list --module Contacts --compact gives that type of output, for a module with no Hooks:

| Hooks definition for Contacts    |
| Weight    | Description | Method |
| No Hooks for that module         |

Vardefs Extractor

Extract fields and relationships for a module

./sugarcli.phar extract:fields --path <sugarcrm_path> --module <module> will extract all the fields defined for a module, with theirs parameters (Label, content of dropdowns, dbType, etc ...) and write 2 csv files containing the data.


-m, --module=MODULE   Module's name.
    --lang=LANG       SugarCRM Language [default: "fr_FR"]
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.

Code Generator

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar code

Subcommands are:

./sugarcli.phar code:setupcomposer
./sugarcli.phar code:button
./sugarcli.phar code:execute:file

Install composer in custom/

./sugarcli.phar code:setupcomposer --path <sugarcrm_path> --do will create a new Util to use composer's autoloader and create a composer.json file that contains, by default, libsugarcrm autoloaded for Unit Tests.


    --do                Create the files
-r, --reinstall     Reinstall the files
    --no-quickrepair    Do not launch a Quick Repair
-p, --path=PATH     Path to SugarCRM installation.

Create a new button in a view

./sugarcli.phar code:button --path <sugarcrm_path> --module <module> will create a new button in a record view of the module

That command automatically add buttons, their label and the JS triggered by the button to views, from a name.

The file affected are :

  • custom/Extension/modules//Ext/Language/<current_lang>.php
  • custom/modules//clients/base/views/record/record.php
  • custom/modules//clients/base/views/record/record.js


-m, --module=MODULE   Module name.
-a, --action=ACTION   Action: "add" / "delete" [default: "add"]
    --name=NAME       Button Name
-t, --type=TYPE       For now only "dropdown" [default: "dropdown"]
-j, --javascript      [EXPERIMENTAL] Also create the JS
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.

As described, the --javascript is experimental. If you don't have a record.js file that should work well, else you have to check the generated file to make sure it didn't break anything.

Execute a php file from the SugarCRM context

./sugracli.phar code:execute:file --path <sugarcrm_path> [--user-id='1'] <test.php> will execute the file test.php by loading first the sugarcrm environment. So the script can directly use the classes and db from sugar. You can also set the user_id from the command line to have another one than the default administrator.

Data Anonymization

The main command is ./sugarcli.phar anonymize

If you need to anonymize the data from your database (Be careful that command will overwrite the data directly in the database) to give a dump to a partner or a developer, you can use sugarcli to do the work, because:

  • It connects directly to the SugarCRM DB
  • It is able to generate a configuration file automatically, without destroying the system tables (config / relationships, etc...)
  • Because it uses (Faker)[https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker] to generate a data that looks almost real.

Subcommands are:

./sugarcli.phar anonymize:config
./sugarcli.phar anonymize:run

Generate a configuration for your current SugarCRM

./sugarcli.phar anonymize:config --path <sugarcrm_path> generate a yaml file that contains a full configuration, for all table that have been found and tries to guess what Faker method sugarcli has to use for each field of each table.


    --file=FILE                  Path to the configuration file [default: "../db/anonymization.yml"]
    --ignore-table=IGNORE-TABLE  Table to ignore. Can be repeated (multiple values allowed)
    --ignore-field=IGNORE-FIELD  Field to ignore. Can be repeated (multiple values allowed)
-p, --path=PATH                  Path to SugarCRM installation.


The command ./sugarcli.phar anonymize:config creates a file that looks like:

guesser_version: 1.0.0
            name: { method: company }
            description: { method: sentence, params: [20] }
            facebook: { method: url }
            twitter: { method: url }
            googleplus: { method: url }
            account_type: { method: randomElement, params: [['', Analyst, Competitor, Customer, Integrator]] }
            industry: { method: randomElement, params: [['', Apparel, Banking, Biotechnology, Chemicals]] }
            annual_revenue: { method: randomNumber, params: [4] }
            phone_fax: { method: phoneNumber }
            billing_address_street: { method: streetAddress }
            billing_address_city: { method: city }
            billing_address_state: { method: state }
            billing_address_postalcode: { method: postcode }
            billing_address_country: { method: country }
            rating: { method: sentence, params: [8] }
            phone_office: { method: phoneNumber }
            phone_alternate: { method: phoneNumber }
            website: { method: url }

As you can see, the commands uses different methods to guess the type of faker method to use:

  • If it's a dropdown and it get the list of values from the vardefs
  • If it's a field that contains a known word it uses the right method (example .*_city = city)
  • Else it uses the dbType (varchar = sentence)

You can change the content of the file once generated to match your criteras.

Run the anonymization

Be careful that command will overwrite the data directly in the database

./sugarcli.phar anonymize:run --path <sugarcrm_path> does the job !


    --file=FILE       Path to the configuration file [default: "../db/anonymization.yml"]
    --force           Run the queries
    --remove-deleted  Remove all records with deleted = 1. Won't be launched if --force is not set
    --clean-cstm      Clean all records in _cstm that are not in the main table. Won't be launched if --force is not set
    --sql             Display the SQL of UPDATE queries
    --table=TABLE     Anonymize only that table (repeat for multiple values) (multiple values allowed)
-p, --path=PATH       Path to SugarCRM installation.


The command ./sugarcli.phar anonymize:run --table=accounts --force gives an output that looks like:

Be careful, the anonymization is going to start
That will overwrite every data in the Database !

If you are sure, please type "yes" in uppercase
Anonymizing accounts
 50/50 [============================] 100%

Emptying accounts_audit
Emptying bugs_audit
Emptying campaigns_audit
Emptying cases_audit
Emptying contacts_audit
Emptying contracts_audit

Done in 0.42 sec (consuming 40.5Mb)
