
Patched version of https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-account/0.1.14

Primary LanguagePython

Django Account Application

This is django application that provides registration and account management
features for users like changing password, restoring password etc.

Project page: http://bitbucket.org/lorien/django-account/

For installation instructions look into INSTALL document.

Settings (for actual list look into account/settings.py)

 * ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION (True): allow registration on site
 * ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION (True): require the activation via email
 * LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL (default): redirect to this url after successful
 * ACCOUNT_CAPTCHA (False): show captcha in registration form
 * ACCOUNT_CAPTCHA_FIELD ('captcha.fields.CaptchaField'): class of captcha field
 * DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL (default): email which will be filled to From header of
   every sended email
 * ACCOUNT_AUTH_KEY_TIMEOUT (60 * 60 * 24): number of seconds that newly generated auth key is valid
 * ACCOUNT_DOMAIN (not.defined.com): domain of the site
 * ACCOUNT_AGREEMENT (False): display checkbox with message about user agreement
 * ACCOUNT_AGREEMENT_LINK (''): link to page with user agreement document
 * ACCOUNT_AGREEMENT_TEXT ('...'): message neare checkbox