Unable to save models (--save-models: save trained models)
andreadaou opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello @mmasana ,
I appreciate your amazing and extremely helpful work.
Is it possible to save the trained models after incremental learning? The code is not working when putting save_models as True. Appreciate your help!
!python3 -u src/main_incremental.py --approach bic --num-exemplars 2000 --save-models True
Arguments =
approach: bic
batch_size: 64
clipping: 10000
datasets: ['cifar100']
eval_on_train: False
exp_name: None
fix_bn: False
gpu: 0
gridsearch_tasks: -1
keep_existing_head: False
last_layer_analysis: False
log: ['disk']
lr: 0.1
lr_factor: 3
lr_min: 0.0001
lr_patience: 5
momentum: 0.0
multi_softmax: False
nc_first_task: None
nepochs: 200
network: resnet32
no_cudnn_deterministic: False
num_tasks: 4
num_workers: 4
pin_memory: False
pretrained: False
results_path: ../results
save_models: True
seed: 0
stop_at_task: 0
use_valid_only: False
warmup_lr_factor: 1.0
warmup_nepochs: 0
weight_decay: 0.0
Approach arguments =
T: 2
lamb: -1
num_bias_epochs: 200
val_exemplar_percentage: 0.1
Exemplars dataset arguments =
exemplar_selection: random
num_exemplars: 2000
num_exemplars_per_class: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/main_incremental.py", line 316, in <module>
File "src/main_incremental.py", line 178, in main
assert len(extra_args) == 0, "Unused args: {}".format(' '.join(extra_args))
AssertionError: Unused args: True
Hi @andreadaou ,
happy to hear that you enjoy our work! The argument --save-models
does not require of the True
afterwards. I believe that's why you get the error, and if you run the command as !python3 -u src/main_incremental.py --approach bic --num-exemplars 2000 --save-models
, it should work fine.
Oh okay! Thank you!!!
Hi @andreadaou ,
happy to hear that you enjoy our work! The argument
does not require of theTrue
afterwards. I believe that's why you get the error, and if you run the command as!python3 -u src/main_incremental.py --approach bic --num-exemplars 2000 --save-models
, it should work fine.