- 1
How to integrate ViT in Networks?
#46 opened by Snimm - 3
Issue with ImageNet-Subset
#45 opened by kandeldeepak46 - 2
- 1
GridSearch to find the accurate lambda value
#43 opened by arnabphoenix - 1
Unable to match the accuracy results present in the ANCL paper using FACIL framework
#38 opened by arnabphoenix - 1
- 0
EEIL approach distillation loss
#42 opened by jmin0530 - 1
Error coming while running on Imagenet Dataset
#41 opened by sumitra009 - 5
- 2
#39 opened by arnabphoenix - 6
Upperbound results
#34 opened by jmin0530 - 1
LwF CIFAR-100 (10/10) No exemplars accuracy
#36 opened by Yuki-Hong - 1
- 1
I have an error in the file exemplars_selection it says no samples to choose from for class 240, how to fix this?
#22 opened by nevasini - 1
Trying to reproduce results in the paper
#33 opened by rusonyo666 - 2
- 2
Varying the number of classes among the tasks
#32 opened by andreadaou - 2
Limit the number of images per class
#31 opened by andreadaou - 2
Adding a new dataset
#29 opened by andreadaou - 1
#24 opened by AndreGuerra123 - 4
#26 opened by zijGao - 2
can not reproduce the similar result as paper
#28 opened by wangsen1312 - 2
- 4
There is a bug when running the code
#25 opened by zhl98 - 11
Getting "RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Long but got scalar type Int for argument #2"
#4 opened by snokh - 4
The question of whether attention distillation loss in LwM can produce gradient.
#9 opened by NUAA-XSF - 1
The meaning of model_old is confusing. In task 1, the number of heads of model_old is sometimes 1 and sometimes 2 during def eval.
#17 opened by XuMengyaAmy - 1
Some question about the approach 'BiC'
#16 opened by ZhenbangDu - 6
could I omit the validation dataset?
#19 opened by libo-huang - 0
- 2
The meaning of TAw & TAg
#15 opened by Lllydialee - 1
URL for `--approach` in your src/
#14 opened by letme-hj - 2
- 3
Results of iCaRL
#12 opened by qsunyuan - 4
How to understand the results?
#11 opened by maawais - 5
Error while trying to train on VGGFace2
#10 opened by afonseca18 - 2
Is task-agnostic accuracy correct?
#8 opened by ashok-arjun - 2
- 3
- 1
The extensibility of the FACIL framework.
#2 opened by Veagau - 3
LUCIR in memoryless mode
#3 opened by HabibSlim