Persian Trivia Questions

This is a SQL databse, containing questions like the questions of Quiz of Kings and SnappQ. The data is collected from @hooshrobot.

ATM, it contains 17736 four-answer choice questions.


  • MySQL 5+


Import persian_trivia.sql into your database.

Database schema

Table categories

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
title varchar(255) NO NULL

Table questions

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
category_id int(11) NO MUL NULL foreign key (categories)
difficulty tinyint(4) NO NULL
text text NO NULL
choice1 varchar(255) NO NULL
choice2 varchar(255) NO NULL
choice3 varchar(255) NO NULL
choice4 varchar(255) NO NULL
answer tinyint(4) NO NULL
creator varchar(255) NO NULL