
OSX development setup based on https://github.com/donnemartin/dev-setup

Primary LanguageShell

How to run?

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/indigotech/dev-setup/master/scripts/setup.sh && env bash setup.sh

What does this setup install?


  • command-line-tools


  • pip


  • Battleschool
    • XCode
    • VMWare Fusion
    • Android Studio


  • Homebrew
    • zsh
    • wget
    • heroku-toolbelt
    • git
    • git-extras
    • mongodb
  • Homebrew Cask
    • iterm2
    • java
    • zquartz
    • sublime-text3
    • atom
    • virtualbox
    • genymotion
    • slack
    • google-chrome
    • spectacle


  • rvm
    • ruby
    • ruby gems
      • bundler
      • cocoapods
      • tqt


  • nvm
    • node


  • Taqtile developer keys


  • oh-my-zsh

Manual steps

Remove scripts and battleschool folders

  1. Open Terminal or iTerm2
  2. Run rm -rf ~/scripts ~/.battleschool

Add Taqtile Developer account to XCode

  1. Open XCode
  2. Open Preferences: XCode > Preferences or ⌘,
  3. Select Accounts tab
  4. Add Taqtile Developer's account

Install App Store Apps

  1. Open App Store
  2. Search and install the following apps - Sketch

Disable Guest Account

  1. Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups
  2. Unlock the padlock on the bottom
  3. Select Guest User on the left
  4. Uncheck Allow guests to log in to this computer
  5. Uncheck Allow guest users to connect to shared folders
  6. Lock the padlock

Configure iCloud

  1. Go to System Preferences > iCloud
  2. Disable all services except Find My Mac

Next steps

  1. Oh My ZSH install script runs env zsh in the end. It needs to find a way to skip that or finish the zsh proccess.
  2. The script still stops in some points asking for information. Idealliy it should run unattended.
  3. App Store apps need to be installed manually. Neither Homebrew Cask or Battleschool supports that.
  4. Check if everything was installed successfully in the end and show the errors if any.