Testing environment for Yaml generator

Developed & tested with Fedora 31 & ansible 2.9.x & docker 19.03.x.


  • dnf/yum package manager-based (virtual) operating system, e.g. fedora, centos
  • installed docker with engine version 19.00+
  • installed docker-compose
  • user located in group wheel (for sudo purposes)


Docker supports only cgroup v1 for now, so we need to revert default version 2 with following commands:

sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"


Enter to testing root directory (with file docker-compose.yml and folder fedora_client and fedora_server) and run following commands to create necessary containers and start them:

sudo docker-compose up --build 

Then open browser and type http://localhost/index.php to see deployed app using database.

After simulation you have to remove content of directory program/output/.


In case of issues, please quit docker-compose(1), restart docker daemon on host(2) and start docker-compose again(3) with following commands:

sudo docker-compose down  
sudo systemctl restart docker 
sudo docker-compose up --build