Sertis Crypto Exchange Client

A Python library for buying and selling cryptocurrencies by pair across multiple exchanges. Built for Sertis Corp as part of their interview process.


  • Supports kraken-futures and binance spot exchanges
  • Simple to extend, adding exchanges, pairs, and order types
  • Place and monitor market buy/sell orders
  • Normalized OHLC data across exchanges



Run poetry build to build the package and then pip install dist/sertis_crypto_exchange_client-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl to install it.

>>> from scec import Broker
>>> Broker()
< object at 0x104e6e7e0>


See the docs for autogenerated documentation on the broker and exchange classes. See examples for usage example - buying and selling across multiple exchanges and pairs.

Demo Accounts

Sign up for a demo Kraken Futures account over at - then create an API and Secret Key

A demo binance account can be created at


  • Be sure to run poetry install to install the development dependencies.
  • Install poethepoet in your environment to run tasks with poe <task>.
  • Run poe test or poetry run pytest --cov to run tests and check coverage. Example test output:
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.12.2-final-0 ----------
Name                               Stmts   Miss  Cover
scec/                       2      0   100%
scec/                        42      3    93%
scec/exchanges/             4      0   100%
scec/exchanges/                94      8    91%
scec/exchanges/             46      0   100%
scec/exchanges/          14      0   100%
scec/exchanges/      67      7    90%
TOTAL                                269     18    93%


PoeThePoet or poe is a simple taskrunner compatible with pyproject.toml, you can run common tasks easily by running poe <task> - think of it like npm run <task>

To be able to run tasks you can install PoeThePoet with pip install poethepoet and then run poe to a see a list of configured tasks.

Adding an Exchange:

Please implement all abstract methods from the scec.exchanges.CryptoCurrencyExchange class and add tests for the exchange under scec.tests.exchanges


  • This library is not production-ready and should not be used for trading real money.
  • The library is not optimized for speed or memory usage.
  • Ideally the library would spin up another thread and constantly listen to websocket updates for orderbook changes, this is not implemented however due to time-constraints.
  • No CI pipeline as of yet, but tests, linting, and type checking are easily run locally!