This repository is used a a starting point for collaboration on integrating reva with phoenix an IdP and other components.
To set up a development environment for the future owncloud file sync and share platform run
make future
Afterwards you can hack on ./build/src/reva
or ./build/src/phoenix
Changes to reva can be built and redeployed with make future
Changes to phoenix are automatically redeployed by the yarn run watch
inside the phoenix container.
When you are done, commit the changes in ./build/src/*
to a feature or bugfix branch (as in prefix it with feature/
or bugfix/
To clean up run
make down
make clean
Happy coding!
We are currently using docker-compose to set up a development environment. Run make future
to get:
- a caddy server, used as reverse proxy
- kopanod as IdP
- phoenix es web interface
- revad as storage layer and webdav service
- openldap as user database with example users
The Makefile
has help:
✗ make help
sage: make [target]
clean Cleanup sources and containers
clean-containers Stop and cleanup containers
clean-src Cleanup sources
future Start a development environment
up docker-compose up all containers
down docker-compose down all containers
help Show this help
phoenix-container Build a docker container for phoenix, the web frontend
phoenix-src Get phoenix sources
reva-container Build a docker container for reva, the storage
reva-src Get reva sources
Have a look at the Makefile
for how things are done exactly.
s and asrc
folder for additional components, eg. reva and phoenix./configs
contains all the configuration files for started services./docs
contains example data, eg. ldap users and a revadata
While phoenix has a Dockerfile
we use ./build/phoenix/Dockerfile
to start a container for development.
- point your browser to https://owncloud.localhost:8443/
- you should be redirected to https://owncloud.localhost:8443/phoenix/ and see an authorize button, click it
- you should be redirected to kopano, log in as aaliyah_abernathy:secret
- you should be redirected back to phoenix and see the welcome.txt file
After make future
you should be able to run a propfind
curl 'https://owncloud.localhost:8443/reva/ocdav/remote.php/webdav' -X PROPFIND -H 'Depth: 1' --data-binary $'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:oc="">\n <d:prop>\n <d:getetag />\n <oc:fileid />\n <oc:permissions />\n <oc:size />\n </d:prop>\n</d:propfind>' --compressed -k -u aaliyah_adams:secret
note: currently oidc is broken
For now you can go to https://owncloud.localhost:8443/signin/v1/identifier/_/authorize?audience=test&scope=openid%20profile&response_type=code&client_id=ownCloud&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fowncloud.localhost%3A8443%2Fphoenix%2F&state=YOUR_OPAQUE_VALUE to initialize an authorization code flow.
Alternatively, use curl:
https://owncloud.localhost:8443/signin/v1/identifier/_/authorize\?audience\=test\&scope\=openid%20profile\&response_type=code\&client_id=ownCloud\&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fowncloud.localhost%3A8443%2Fphoenix%2F\&state=YOUR_OPAQUE_VALUE -v -k
- check client_id param, AFAICT it corresponds to
reva and phoenix are both build inside docker containers. You can use them for development.
The idea is to have a docker container for development and another one for building the release.
The idea is to have a docker container for development that monitors changes and automatically rebuilds the web ui and another one for building the release.