You can check the requirements of this module in the following link

Table of contents


Omni pro Quick Product Positioning, offers the possibility of managing those featured products in a quick and easy way without having technical skills, any member of the marketing team can manage the products as required


The installation process is very simple and we provide two alternatives

Clone Script

# Go to the root directory of your project
cd ${project}

# Run the following script
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integraciones-omnipro/maximo-marucci/main/bin/install.sh | bash

Clone Manual

To install the module by manual cloning follow the following steps

# Go to the root directory of your project
cd ${project}

# Check if you have the supplier folder Omnipro
ls -la | egrep app/code/omnipro/QuickProductPositioning 

# Otherwise believe it
mkdir -p app/code/omnipro/QuickProductPositioning 
cd $_

# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/integraciones-omnipro/maximo-marucci.git app/code/omnipro/QuickProductPositioning

# Run the following commands
# Depending on your environment, the way to update your implementation may vary.

magento module:enable Omnipro_QuickProductPositioning
magento s:up
magento c:c


This option is not currently available for this module

Developer documentation

You can find the documentation for the developer and a short explanation of how this module works in the following link



  • Columna debe tener la posibilidad de ordenar de forma asc-desc
  • El campo editable debe tener utilizar el componente input con controles para incrementar y decrementar su valor

Implicitos - oportunidad de mejora

  • El path de settings aun no esta implementado en las reglas del modulo
  • Se debe considerar la posibilidad de agregar massacctions
    • Accion de edicion general
    • Accion que aplique filtro solo de elementos con posicion destacada
    • Accion de limpieza general de las posiciones
  • Al recibir valor null empty en position value, debe eliminarse de la tabla auxiliar
  • Agregar testing para validar que source obtiene position_value como un campo por cada row
  • Correr codingstandard segun la version implementada