



The Homebrew RabbitMQ Formula

Installation Before installing make sure the taps are up-to-date:

brew update Then, install RabbitMQ server with:

brew update

brew install rabbitmq Installing the RabbitMQ formula will install key dependencies such as a supported Erlang/OTP version.

brew install rabbitmq

Operations The RabbitMQ server scripts and CLI tools are installed in sbin directory under /usr/local/Cellar/rabbitmq, which is accessible via /usr/local/opt/rabbitmq/sbin. In case that directory is not in PATH it's recommend to append it:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/rabbitmq/sbin

The server can then be started with rabbitmq-server. With Homebrew the node and CLI tools will use the logged in user account by default. Using sudo is not required.

Otherwise operations are no different from the generic binary build. Please refer to the Operations section of the generic binary build guide section.



Murat Mayadağ

💻 📝
+ New padawan + New jedi