
:card_index: In-memory search engine

Primary LanguageJava

In-memory search engine

This project was created for quick indexation and simple search of documents in the file system. Library concurrently index documents in the given folder. It's stored indexed documents in the memory. That's why it's important to consume less memory without performance loss. Under the hood project implements Radix tree for effective storing indexed lexems.

Project contains the following features:

  • Indexation folder or file and saving index on disk for loading it afterwards
  • Opportunity for searching by exact match, partial match or search with suggestions
  • Displaying found matches in the preview window with highlighting
  • Live loading of search results during indexation or index changes
  • Track indexed folders changes and adjusting index

User Interface

To start an application simply execute the following command in the folder of the project:

./gradlew run

If you want to run executable jar:

./gradlew clean jar
java -jar app/build/libs/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Users can extend this index by using it's own tokenizer by implementing Tokenizer interface and put it during SearchEngine class instantiation:

Tokenizer tokenizer = new WhitespaceTokenizer();
SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine(tokenizer);

NOTE: during selection folder for indexation on MacOS be aware that field File: in finder is empty. It's a problem of default bihaviour of standart finder.

Future plans:

  1. Implement partial locks for tree structure and allow to user branch locks, on branch which will be modified.
  2. Implement more complex search handler which use && || for query union.
  3. Implement cache manager for handling similar queries to reduce queries count to the index (SearchManager call CacheManager if contains hit return the results. On the othe side do query to the index and cache results. Also should be subscribed to the changes in the index at DocumentIndexManager and reset the cache).