
Minimalist approach to running shell commands in Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🐤 MiniExec

Minimalist approach to running shell commands in Deno.


Pass a shell command to miniexec to run it and capture its output:

import { miniexec } from "https://deno.land/x/miniexec/mod.ts";

const output = await miniexec("echo hello world");

console.log(output); // "hello world"

Wrap the miniexec call in a try & catch to handle command errors:

import { miniexec } from "https://deno.land/x/miniexec/mod.ts";

try {
  await miniexec("cat i_do_not_exist.txt");
} catch (err) {
  console.error(err.message); // "i_do_not_exist.txt: No such file or directory"


MiniExec requires the --allow-run flag in order to run subprocesses.


Besides the input command, miniexec accepts a parameter object:

import { miniexec, MiniExecOptions } from "https://deno.land/x/miniexec/mod.ts";

const options: MiniExecOptions = {
  printOutput: false,
  shell: "/bin/sh",

await miniexec("echo hello world", options);


By default, miniexec captures the stdout/stderr without printing it. Set printOutput to true to dump the output to stdoud/stderr (while still capturing it).


Specifies what shell is used. Default is /bin/sh.