
Software to generate analytic airborne Doppler radar data

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This code is part of a project for meteorological data quality control of airborne tail Doppler radars. The project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

This code generates synthetic data for use in testing [Airborne-Radar-QC] (https://github.com/mmbell/Airborne-Radar-QC)

It is command line C++ application. From the top-level directory run

 $ qmake

to create a Makefile or Xcode project for your machine.

Ultimately, it is hoped that some standard test suites like this can be developed and agreed upon for testing radar algorithms and data assimilation techniques. If you are interested in this project, please contact me.

Contributing to analyticAircraft

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for the feature/bugfix. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.


Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Bell. See LICENSE for details.