
Provide a question, two images, and get a shareable link where people can pick one image or the other. Use the results as a data point to help tip the scale of your indecision. Results can be hidden for a specified duration. Built in one night with CodeIgniter + Twitter Bootstrap.

Primary LanguagePHP


Provide a question, two images, and get a shareable link where people can pick one image or the other. Use the results as a data point to help tip the scale of your indecision. Results can be hidden for a specified duration. Built in one night with CodeIgniter + Twitter Bootstrap.

This was written in a few hours, just because.


This is a pretty standard CodeIgniter app:

Clone the repo

Create the tables from questions.sql and answers.sql

Configure database settings in /application/config/database.php.

Point your web browser at the index, and enjoy.

