
fspt4-milestone-five-jbrcodes created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Development Test - Week Five

This assessment tests your understanding of building a full stack app using React, Node/Express, and MySQL.



  • Run npm install in project directory. This will install server-related dependencies such as express.
  • cd client and run npm install. This will install client dependencies (React).

Database Prep

  • Access the MySQL interface in your terminal by running mysql -u root -p
  • Create a new database called facebook: create database facebook
  • Add a .env file to the project folder of this repository containing the MySQL authentication information for MySQL user. For example:
  • Run npm run migrate in the project folder of this repository, in a new terminal window. This will create a table called 'students' in your database.

  • Make sure you understand how the students table is constructed. In your MySQL console, you can run use facebook; and then describe students; to see the structure of the students table.


  • Run npm start in project directory to start the Express server on port 5000
  • In another terminal, do cd client and run npm start to start the client in development mode with hot reloading in port 3000.

Basic Requirements

Create a webpage with the following functionality:

  • A list of students.
  • A form to add new students. There should be fields to input the first and last names, separately.
    • After submitting the form, the new student should be added to the database and displayed on the page.
  • Each student can be deleted with a delete button. After clicking on this button, student should be deleted from the database and the updated list of students shown on the page
  • Style the app to make it look as polished as possible. Bootstrap is already loaded in the index.html file, so you can use it if you want to.
  • (Optional/bonus) Clicking on a student should show the student's profile to the right of the students list. The info to display this profile should be obtained from a fetch request to /students/:id

To accomplish this, you will need to:

  • Finish the routes in the API server (/routes/students.js).
  • Finish the front end (/client/src/). Create as many components as you need.


  • Do not use any presentations from the class or any notes you have taken.
  • Try to do the test without looking at code you have previously written. If you get stuck for more than 30min, you may look at your previous code - but make sure you let your instructor know.
  • The only resources you may use online are:
  • Make sure you give yourself a grade before turning it in!


Suggested Process:

  1. Try and write the correct query in mysql.
  2. Use that query to finish the endpoints in /routes/students.js.
  3. Test your endpoints using Postman.
  4. Call the endpoints from the front end.


Give yourself a grade for each question. Explain why you gave yourself that grade.

Grade Explanation
4 I understood this completely and did not struggle answering it.
3 I think I did well, but I didn't totally understand why it worked.
2 I think I was close, but I didn't get the answer.
1 I am struggling with this question.
0 I did not attempt this question (explain why)

1. API Endpoints & MySQL

  • Grade: 2
  • Explanation: My handleSubmit button wasn't working. I need to revise this.

2. Frontend

  • Grade: 0
  • Explanation: I ran out of time. I also feel I need a lot of practice to get these methods committed to memory.