
A butler for Jekyll

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Mr. Poole

A butler for Jekyll. Provides a command-line interface (called poole) for creating and publishing posts and drafts for Jekyll blogs.

The literary Mr. Poole is Jekyll's butler, who "serves Jekyll faithfully, and attempts to do a good job and be loyal to his master" (Wikipedia), and the Mr. Poole gem looks to be the same thing.

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Mr. Poole is primarily a command-line application: the gem installs an executable called poole in your path. It has four subcommands: post, draft, publish, and unpublish. All four of these commands echo a filename to STDOUT, so you can do something like poole post "Title" | vim and start editing immediately. Alternatively, you can also have Mr. Poole auto open new posts in your preferred $EDITOR (see Configuration).


poole post [OPTIONS] TITLE

Generates a timestamped post in your _posts directory, with the format YYYY-MM-DD-slug.md. With no options, will generate a slug based on your title by replacing spaces with underscores, downcasing, and removing any special character (see configuration section if you don't like the underscores).


-s, --slug      Define a custom slug for post, used for generated file name

-t, --title     Define a title for post. This option may be omitted provided
                that TITLE is given as the last argument to poole

-l, --layout    Path to a custom layout file to use

By default, poole generates a simple file that looks like this (but see section on configuration for more options).

title: (your title automatically inserted here)
layout: post
date: (current date automatically inserted here)


poole draft [OPTIONS] TITLE

Just like poole post, except that it creates an untimestamped post in your _drafts directory (creating it if it doesn't exist yet). Uses same options as post. In the generated file, no date is inserted.


poole publish [OPTIONS] DRAFT_PATH

Publishes a draft from your _drafts folder to your _posts folder By default, renames the file and updates the date in the header, but see options:

-d, --keep-draft        Do not delete the draft post'
-t, --keep-timestamp    Do not update the draft timestamp'

Given this file (called _drafts/test_draft.md):

title: My awesome blog post
layout: post

The life, universe, and everything.

A call to poole publish _drafts/test_draft.md will generate a file named _posts/yyyy-mm-dd-test_draft.md and delete the draft. Also updates the date filed in the header with a date, and HH:MM, producing this file:

title: My awesome blog post
layout: post
date: 2010-01-02 16:00

The life, universe, and everything.


poole unpublish POST_PATH

The reverse of publish: moves a file from your _posts folder to the _drafts folder, renaming the file and removing the date in the header. This will rename a file called _posts/yyyy-mm-dd-test_post.md to _drafts/test_post.md.

-p, --keep-post         Do not delete the existing post'
-t, --keep-timestamp    Do not update the existing timestamp'

Script usage

The actual work is done in MrPoole::Commands: calls into that class return the path name for newly created files, so you can do something useful with them if you want to. This should get better in the future.


You may also include directives for poole in Jekyll's _config.yml file. You should provide a poole key, which may take the following subkeys:

  • default_layout - path to a default layout to use
  • default_extension - file extension to use
  • word_separator - character to use for slug generation
  • time_format - a percent-formatted string suitable for passing to Ruby's Time.strftime method
  • auto_open - set to trueto automatically open new posts in your $EDITOR

Any options you provide in _config.yml will override poole's built-in defaults. Mr. Poole defaults to using Markdown (with extension "md"), and the default layout is given above in the "Post" section. The default layout is actually just YAML front matter for Jekyll, so it can be used with any extension.

Note that command-line options override anything set in your config file. For example, if you have your default extension set to textile, but then pass the --layout flag to post/draft with a Markdown template, the generated post will use the Markdown extension.

Important! Certain characters have special meaning in YAML, which means you'll need to be careful using certain options.

If you want to use hyphens for the word_separator option, you'll need to escape it (because a single dash is the beginning a YAML bulleted list). If you don't, the YAML parser will choke (I don't have any control over this).

  word_separator: "-"   # correct
  word_separator: -     # WRONG...don't do this!

Likewise, Ruby's strftime uses percent-formatted strings. The percent sign is special in YAML, so you have to put the time format in quotation marks.

  time_format: "%Y-%m-%d"   # correct
  time_format: %Y-%m-%d     # WRONG...poole will exit

To do

  • Configuration: hooking into jekyll's _config.yml (mostly done)
  • Support for multiple output formats (done, but needs better tests)
  • Better option handling (more flexible date substitution)
  • Better documentation (this is an open source project, after all)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mr_poole'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mr_poole


Contact me on Github, at michael@mcclimon.org, or on twitter, @mmcclimon.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request