
a slack recognition bot

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heyemoji 🏆 👏 ⭐

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The heyemoji bot is a self-hosted slack reward system that allows team members to recognize eachother for anything awesome they may have done. This is accomplished by mentioning a user's slack @username in a channel along with a pre-configured reward emoji and an optional description of what they did. The emoji points bestowed to users can be tracked via leaderboards.

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

Give a single user emoji points

Great job filling out those TPS reports @michael.bolton! ⭐

Give multiple users emoji points

Thanks @michael.bolton and @samir for coming in this weekend! ⭐

Give multiple emojis to a user

Score! @petergibbons found my red stapler! ⭐ 🏆 👏 👏

Bot Commands

Name Description
leaderboard <day|week|month|year> see the top 10 people on your leaderboard
points see how many emoji points you have left to give
help get help with how to send recognition emoji


  1. Browse to https://api.slack.com/apps?new_classic_app=1
  2. Assign a name and workspace to your new Slack Bot Application
  3. Basic Information > Set display name and icon
  4. App Home > Add Legacy Bot User
  5. OAuth & Permissions > Install App to Workspace
  6. Copy your Bot User OAuth Access Token for your HEY_SLACK_API_TOKEN
  7. Run heyemoji specifying the above token! 🎉


ENV Var Default Required Note
HEY_BOT_NAME heyemoji No The display name of the heyemoji bot
HEY_DATABASE_PATH ./data/ No The directory that the database files should be written to
HEY_SLACK_TOKEN Yes The API tokens for the Slack API
HEY_SLACK_EMOJI star:1 No Comma delimited set of emoji "name:value" pairs
HEY_SLACK_DAILY_CAP 5 No The max number of emoji points that can be given out in a day
HEY_WEBSOCKET_PORT 3334 No Port that the Slack RTM client will listen on

Specifying Custom Reward Emoji

The HEY_SLACK_EMOJI setting lets you specify multiple different reward emoji as well as different point values for each. So, if you wanted the following emoji and reward values:

Emoji Value
👏 2
🏆 3

You would specify the HEY_SLACK_EMOJI as: star:1,clap:2,trophy:3