
Using deep reinforcement learning to tackle the game 2048.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A DQN agent reaching the 2048 tile.

This repository contains the code used in our project for the INF581: Advanced Topics in A.I. at École Polytechnique.

In this project, we aim at training a game-playing agent for the 2048 game. We implement an OpenAI Gym environment to model the game and use the Deep Q-Learning (DQN) algorithm from the Stable Baseline library to train multiple agents varying the states encoding, reward function, network type and structure. Results show that encoding states using one-hot encoding is crucial for better performance. We have also concluded that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are more efficient than Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) for the purpose of this game.

For a more in-depth discussion, give our report a read.

Project Structure

Below we detail the function of each directory:

  • agents: contains scripts to train and evaluate agents (more details on the Running subsection), as well as the necessary code implementing custom callbacks and policies;
  • docs: contains the GIF you saw above and the final report of the project;
  • hyperparams: contains YAML files detailing hyperparameters for agents (more details on the Hyperparameters subsection);
  • models: contains pretrained agents;
  • utils: contains auxiliary scripts for plotting results.


We recommend using a separate Python 3.7 environment for this project (there is an incompatibility issue when trying to load models created using Python 3.7 on other versions). Our dependencies are:

A quick way to install them is to run the following command: pip install -r [requirements.txt|requirements-gpu.txt], choosing the appropriate file depending on whether you wish to run the models on a CPU or a GPU.

To install the environment, execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/mmcenta/gym-text2048
pip install -e gym-text2048


Interactive player for humans:

python agents/play.py

Random agent:

python agents/random_agent.py


To show an agent reaching 2048:

python agents/dqn.py --r2048

To demo pretrained models:

python agents/dqn.py -mn MODEL_NAME --demo
python agents/dqn.py -mn cnn_5l_4_v2 --demo

The models are in the folder models/. If the model has _nohot, you have to launch it with the --no-one-hot flag.

python agents/dqn.py -mn cnn_5l_4_v2_nohot --no-one-hot --demo

To train:

python agents/dqn.py -mn MODEL_NAME --train

To evaluate:

python agents/dqn.py -mn MODEL_NAME --eval

Complete usage:

python agents/dqn.py -h
usage: python agents/dqn.py [-h] [--env ENV] [--tensorboard-log TENSORBOARD_LOG]
              [--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_FILE] [--model-name MODEL_NAME]
              [--n-timesteps N_TIMESTEPS] [--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL]
              [--hist-freq HIST_FREQ] [--eval-episodes EVAL_EPISODES]
              [--save-freq SAVE_FREQ] [--save-directory SAVE_DIRECTORY]
              [--log-directory LOG_DIRECTORY] [--seed SEED]
              [--verbose VERBOSE] [--no-one-hot] [--train] [--eval]
              [--extractor EXTRACTOR] [--demo] [--r2048]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env ENV             Environment id.
  --tensorboard-log TENSORBOARD_LOG, -tb TENSORBOARD_LOG
                        Tensorboard log directory.
                        Hyperparameter YAML file location.
  --model-name MODEL_NAME, -mn MODEL_NAME
                        Model name (if it already exists, training will be
  --n-timesteps N_TIMESTEPS, -n N_TIMESTEPS
                        Number of timesteps.
  --log-interval LOG_INTERVAL
                        Log interval.
  --hist-freq HIST_FREQ
                        Dumps histogram each n steps.
  --eval-episodes EVAL_EPISODES
                        Number of episodes to use for evaluation.
  --save-freq SAVE_FREQ
                        Save the model every n steps (if negative, no
  --save-directory SAVE_DIRECTORY, -sd SAVE_DIRECTORY
                        Save directory.
  --log-directory LOG_DIRECTORY, -ld LOG_DIRECTORY
                        Log directory.
  --seed SEED           Random generator seed.
  --verbose VERBOSE     Verbose mode (0: no output, 1: INFO).
  --no-one-hot          Disable one-hot encoding
  --train               Enable training
  --eval                Enable evaluation
  --extractor EXTRACTOR
                        Change extractor
  --demo                Enable rendering and runs for 1 episode
  --r2048               Show an agent reaching 2048

Plotting training logs:

To plot all the training logs:

python utils/plot_log_multi.py

To plot a specific training log:

python utils/plot_log.py PATH_TO_LOG


python utils/plot_log.py logs/cnn_5l4_fc.npz
