
A helper function written in Python for a combinatorial enumeration / generation problem.

Primary LanguagePython

This repository holds a Python function enumerate_all_partitions_with_equal_sized_blocks and some small doctests. Given a set s and integer k, the function returns a set (frozenset) of all possible partitions of s into subsets of size k. If k does not divide len(s) then the function returns an empty set.

There are n! / ((n/k)! * ((math.factorial(k)) ** (n/k))) such partitions.

I used this function to generate possible perfect k-dimensional matchings of a complete k-uniform hypergraph.

Closest reference or definition of this problem I can find is the following StackOverflow post: https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/79562/enumerate-partitions-of-a-set-with-blocks-of-equal-size

It points to a related section in this paper https://www.doi.org/10.1137/S0097539791202647

The number of possible partitions of equal sized blocks is exponential in len(s), so the time taken will of course be exponential in the size of s. This function might take longer to execute than you think! Please share any ideas of performance improvements.

For k=3 I ran the following tests on my machine with 16 GiB RAM and 8 Intel(R) Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.6GHz CPUs.

n (k=3) time taken (s) number
3 0.05 1
6 0.04 10
9 0.04 280
12 1.38 15,400
15 815.90 (13 min!) 1,401,400