
Leverage Azure Form Recognizer Cognitive Service API in a high throughput solution

Primary LanguageC#

High Throughput Azure AI Document Intelligence

This repository is offered to demonstrate a set of resources that will allow you to leverage Azure AI Document Intelligence for high throughput of processing documents stored in Azure Blob Storage. Additionally, it leverages Azure Service Bus, and Azure Functions to process a large number of documents in parallel. The solution can be used to process documents in a variety of formats, including Office documents, PDF, PNG, and JPEG.

IMPORTANT! In addition to leveraging the solution below with multiple Document Intelligence instances, it will be beneficial to request a transaction limit increase for your Document Intelligence Accounts. Instructions for how to do this can be found in the Azure AI Document Intelligence Documentation

Architecture and Process Overview

Process with no file trimming

Azure AI document intelligence is metered by page. If you have multi-page documents, where the information you want to extract is only on some of the pages, it may be cost effective to pre-process and trim the number of pages prior to running them through the Azure AI Document Intelligence. To accomplish this, you can use this project on conjunction with a Python Function that will perform Teseract OCR to select only specific pages based on identifying keywords. This function can be found at the PythonAIFunction repository. The process flow for this is shown below:

Process with Teseract OCR file trimming

Feature Details

This solution leverages the following Azure services:

  • Azure Blob Storage with three or four containers
    • rawforms - Location for the multi-page forms that you want to trim pages from (used only in conjunction with the PythonAIFunction function)
    • incoming - stores the forms/files that you want to process
    • output - the location where the Document Intelligence JSON output is stored. The file names match the original files, with the extension changed to .json
    • processed - where the forms/files are moved to once successfully processed by Document Intelligence
  • Azure Service Bus with two or three queues
    • rawqueue - Message containing message for the multi-page forms that you want to trim (used only in conjunction with the PythonAIFunction function)
    • formqueue - this contains the messages for the files that need to be processed
    • processedqueue - this contains the messages for files that have been processed and need to be moved to the processed blob container
  • Azure AI Document Intelligence - the Azure AI Service API that will perform the document intelligence, extraction and processing.
  • Three Azure Functions
    • FormQueue - identifies the files in the incoming blob container and send a claim check message (containing the file name) to the formqueue queue. If used in conjunction with the PythonAIFunction by using the useRawFiles=true query string, it will instead identify files int he rawfiles container and send a claim check message to the rawqueue queue.
    • Recognition - processes the message in formqueue to Document Intelligence, then update Blob metadata as "processed" and create new message in processedqueue queue
      This function employs scale limiting and Polly retries with back off for Document Intelligence (too many requests) replies to balance maximum throughput and overloading the API endpoint
    • FileMover - processes messages in the processedqueue to move files from incomming to processed blob containers
  • Additional Azure function for multi-page pre-processing as integrated from the PythonAIFunction repository if needed

Multiple Document Intelligence endpoints

To further allow for high throughput, the Recognition function can distribute processing between 1-10 separate Document Intelligence accounts. This is managed by the FormQueue funtion automatically adding a RegognizerIndex value of 0-9 when queueing the files for processing.

The recognizer will distribute the files to the appropriate account (regardless of the number of Document Intelligence accounts actually provisioned).

To configure multiple Document Intelligence accounts with the script below, add a value between 1-10 for the -docIntelligenceInstanceCount (default is 1). To configure manually, you will need to add all of the Document Intelligence account keys to the Azure Key Vault's FORM-RECOGNIZER-KEY secret -- space separated

Assumption: all instances of the Document Intelligence share the same URL (such as: https://eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/)

Get Started

To try out the sample end-to-end process, you will need:

  • An Azure subscription that you have privileges to create resources.
  • Your public IP address. You can easily find it by following this link.
  • Have the Azure CLI installed.

Running deployment script

  1. Login to the Azure CLI: az login

  2. Run the deployment command

    .\deploy.ps1 -appName <less than 6 characters> -location <azure region> -myPublicIp <your public ip address> -docIntelligenceInstanceCount <number needed>
  3. **If you are also going to leverage the Python AI pre-processing, you will also need to run the deploy.ps1 script from that solution with matching -appName, -location, and -myPublicIp parameters.

These scripts will create all of the Azure resources needed for the demonstration.

Running a demonstration

To exercise the code and run the demo, follow these steps:

Without Teseract OCR pre-processing/file trimming

  1. Upload sample form file to the storage account's incoming container. To help with this, you can try the supplied PowerShell script BulkUploadAndDuplicate.ps1. This script will take a directory of local files and upload them to the storage container. Then, based on your settings, duplicate them to help you easily create a large library of files to process

    .\BulkUploadAndDuplicate.ps1 -path "<path to dir with sample file>" -storageAccountName "<storage account name>" -containerName "incoming" -counterStart 0 -duplicateCount 10

    The sample script above would would upload all of the files found in the -path directory, then create copies of them prefixed with 000000 through 000010. You can of course upload the files any way you see fit.

  2. In the Azure portal, navigate to the resource group that was created and locate the function with "Queue" in the name. Then select the Functions list and select the function method FormQueue. In the "Code + Test" link, select Test/Run and hit "Run" (no query parameters are needed). This will kick off the queueing process for all of the files in the incoming storage container. The output will be the number of files that were queued.

  3. Once messages start getting queued, the Processor function will start picking up the messages and begin processing. You should see the number of messages in the FormQueue queue go down as they are successfully processed. You will also see new files getting created in the output container.

  4. Simultaneously, as the Processor function completes it's processing and queues messages in the processedqueue queue, the Mover function will begin picking up those messages and moving the processed files from the incomming container into the processed container.

  5. You can review the execution and timings of the end to end process

With Teseract OCR pre-processing/file trimming from PythonAIFunction repository

  1. Upload the samle form files to the storage account's rawfiles container. To help with this, you can try the supplied PowerShell script BulkUploadAndDuplicate.ps1. This script will take a directory of local files and upload them to the storage container. Then, based on your settings, duplicate them to help you easily create a large library of files to process

        .\BulkUploadAndDuplicate.ps1 -path "<path to dir with sample file>" -storageAccountName "<storage account name>" -containerName "rawfiles" -counterStart 0 -duplicateCount 10

    The sample script above would would upload all of the files found in the -path directory, then create copies of them prefixed with 000000 through 000010. You can of course upload the files any way you see fit.

  2. In the Azure portal, navigate to the resource group that was created and locate the function with "Queue" in the name. Then select the Functions list and select the function method FormQueue. In the "Code + Test" link. In the query parameters add useRawFiles=true then select Test/Run and hit "Run". This will kick off the queueing process for all of the files in the rawfiles storage container. The output will be the number of files that were queued.

  3. Once the messages are queued, the PythonAI function will start performing the OCR trimming and once a file is complete, add a message to the formqueue to kick off the next step in the process (see below).