
Api in .NET 6 to communicate with the Ring Doorbell services

Primary LanguageC#

Ring API

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This library for C# compiled against .NET 6 will allow you to easily communicate with the Ring API and retrieve details about your Ring doorbells and Ring chimes.

If you're just looking for a tool to download your Ring recordings, go here instead.
If you're looking for a tool to download snapshots from your Ring cameras, go here.

Version History - released April 5, 2024

  • Fixed 406 Http Response issue due to missing headers in http calls. - released September 2, 2023

  • Fixed a few more issues with Ring devices not properly being parsed - released July 4, 2023

  • Fixed issue with Ring devices not properly being parsed - released July 3, 2023

  • Updated default clientId from Windows to Android to restore the service to the Ring API. Thanks to @chrisstuart-cl for assisting on the fix. - released September 14, 2022

  • Fixing regression in multi factor authentication - released September 14, 2022

  • Replaced obsolete method of working with HTTP requests with modern method
  • Rebuild code to avoid port exhaustion potentially causing random crashed when used in a loop
  • Code is not fully backwards compatible. You may need to update your code if you upgrade to this version. - released September 14, 2022

  • Compiled against .NET 6
  • Switched to .NET JSON instead of NewtonSoft JSON. Note that I had to change the types of some properties to become nullable and some to become longs instead of strings, so it might require some changes in your code as well. - released April 29, 2020

  • Bugfix in GetDoorbotsHistory throwing a NullReferenceException when the Ring API would return an empty result - released March 18, 2020

  • Added exception of type DeviceUnknownException to be thrown when using GetDoorbotsHistory requesting information for a specific Ring device which does not exist - released March 18, 2020

  • Added GetDoorbotsHistory method which allows providing a specific doorbot id to retrieve only the items for that specific doorbot - released March 16, 2020

  • Merged PR # 13 adding possible exceptions to each method call and doing some code efficiency improvements. Thanks to ronwarner for his contribution! - released January 22, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where session.GetDoorbotsHistory(startDate, endDate) could end up in an endless loop - released January 2, 2020

  • Added method GetLatestSnapshot to retrieve a snapshot from a doorbot
  • Added method UpdateSnapshot to force refreshing a snapshot from a doorbot
  • Added method GetDoorbotSnapshotTimestamp to retrieve the date and time at which the last snapshot was taken from a doorbot - released December 24, 2019

  • Updated method for downloading of recordings which is also used by the native Ring apps and seems more stable
  • Added new option session.ShareRecording() to share a recording and get returned the unique URL from which it can be downloaded by anyone if in their posession - released December 24, 2019

  • Changed to less strict JSON result parsing as it turns out that the API responses may differ quite a bit between users. To avoid the slightest change not making possible to use the returned results, I followed insane4sure's recommendation in issue 4 and applied this to all responses except for the authentication part. - released December 24, 2019

  • Added support for AuthorizedDoorbots in the devices response from Ring. Thanks to insane4sure for reporting this in issue 6. - released December 24, 2019

  • Fixed issue where having certain special characters such as a + in your e-mail or password used to log on would make the authentication fail. Thanks to insane4sure for reporting this in issue 5. - released December 23, 2019

  • Added support for Multi Factor Authentication on Ring accounts. To trigger receiving the text message from Ring with the token, call session.Authenticate() first. Then once you have received the token, call session.Authenticate(twoFactorAuthCode: "12345") where you replace 12345 with the token you received. Once this returns the access token, you can use this access token to access the Ring API without any further multi factor authentication requirements anymore. - released October 27, 2019

  • Added method public async Task RefreshSession() which will try to renew the session based on the refresh token in the session
  • Added method public async Task EnsureSessionValid() which validates if the current session is still valid and renews it if it isn't anymore. This method is called inside every method that retrieves data from the Ring service so you should not have to call this method yourself. - released October 4, 2019

  • Added method public async Task<List<Entities.DoorbotHistoryEvent>> GetDoorbotsHistory(DateTime startDate, DateTime? endDate) which allows for retrieving historical items between a specific date/time span. Note though that since the Ring API does not expose this functionality, it relies on retrieving historical items in batches until it has found all that fit within the date/time span, so it's not super efficient, but it works.' - released October 4, 2019

  • Further improvements to support Ring Stickup Cams
  • It could be that this version introduces backwards compatibility issues and requires you to update your code. I.e. switching from non nullable types to nullable types. Keep this in mind when upgrading to this version. - released August 9, 2019

  • Added support for working with Ring Stickup Cams
  • Removed CredentialsEncoded property in Session as it was no longer used and deprecated a few versions back - released August 9, 2019

  • Changed the implementation of GetDoorbotsHistory(int limit) so that it will return as many items as you request, instead of just a maximum of 100 items, even if you would provide a higher number. Discussed in issue #2. - released March 2, 2019

  • Added optional int parameter to GetDoorbotsHistory which allows setting a specific number of history items that should be returned. If you don't provide a number, it will default to the Ring default of the most recent 20 items - released March 2, 2019

  • Converted API library into .NET Standard so it can be used on non Windows platforms as well
  • Upgraded the Unit Test NuGet Packages so the Unit Tests work again
  • Upgraded to Newtonsoft JSON 12.0.1 - released September 13, 2018

  • Fixed issue when using GetDoorbotHistoryRecording and it not downloading the actual recording. Thanks to Gary Quigley for reporting it!

0.2.2 - released July 2, 2018

  • Ring seems to have switched off their old API command support. Updated the methods to use the new API.
  • Added static Api.Session.GetSessionByRefreshToken(string refreshToken) method to support using OAuth Refresh Tokens for getting an Access Token.
  • Ring seems to have introduced throttling protection against too many requests sent to their API which seems to kick in pretty easily. I've added a specific Api.Exceptions.ThrottlingException to notify you if the request has failed due too throttling. Just try it again in a few minutes and it typically works again. Check the InnerException of it for the glory details on why it failed.
  • Added property OAuthToken on the Api.Session class which gives you access to the full OAuth Token retrieved during authentication against the Ring API.

0.2.1 - released June 28, 2018

  • Ring had changed their authentication from Basic authentication to simple HTTP Form POST authentication. Updated the code to accommodate this. Thanks to Kevin Chemali for bringing this to my attention.
  • Few additional new properties provided in the session by the Ring service are now mapped to the typed Session object.

0.2 - released August 18, 2017

  • Added the option to specify the device information in the Authenticate method

0.1 - released August 13, 2017

  • Initial version

System Requirements

This API is built using Microsoft .NET Standard 2.0 and is fully asynchronous

Usage Instructions

To communicate with the Ring API, add the NuGet package to your solution and add a using reference in your code:

using KoenZomers.Ring.Api;

Then create a new session instance using:

var session = new Session("your@email.com", "yourpassword");

Note that this line does not perform any communications with the Ring API yet. You need to manually trigger authenticate before you can start using the session:

await session.Authenticate();

If the Ring account you're connecting with has been set up with a two factor authentication requirement, wait for the text message or e-mail from Ring with the code to arrive and run Authenticate again providing this code:

await session.Authenticate(twoFactorAuthCode: "12345");

If the account does not require two factor authentication, you can skip this step.

Once this succeeds, you can call one of the methods on the session instance to retrieve data, i.e.:

To retrieve all Ring devices connected to your account to i.e. retrieve the device Id needed for some methods:

var devices = await session.GetRingDevices();

To retrieve all recorded doorbell events including the recording Ids which you will need for the next two samples:

var doorbotHistory = await session.GetDoorbotsHistory();

To save a recording directly to your disk (use GetDoorbotsHistory to get the Id):

await session.GetDoorbotHistoryRecording("6000000004618901011", "c:\\temp\\recording.mp4");

To share a recording (use GetDoorbotsHistory to get the Id):

await session.ShareRecording("6000000004618901011");

To retrieve the latest available snapshot from a doorbot and save it to disk (use GetRingDevices to get the Id):

await session.GetLatestSnapshot(1111111, "c:\\temp\\snapshot.jpg");

To force a new snapshot to be taken from a doorbot (use GetRingDevices to get the Id):

await session.UpdateSnapshot(1111111);

To retrieve the date and time at which the last snapshot was taken from a doorbot (use GetRingDevices to get the Id):

var timestamps = await session.GetDoorbotSnapshotTimestamp(1111111);

Unit Tests

Check out the UnitTest project in this solution for full insight in the possibilities and working code samples. If you want to run the Unit Tests, just copy the App.sample.config file in the UnitTest project to App.config and fill in your Ring username and password and you're good to go to run all tests. They will not make any changes to your Ring devices or Ring profile, just retrieve information, so you can run it without any risk. If you're using text message or e-mail message two factor authentication on the Ring account you want to perform the unit tests with, just leave TwoFactorAuthenticationToken empty in the config file, run the unit tests, wait for the text or e-mail message to arrive, enter the code from the text or e-mail message in the TwoFactorAuthenticationToken appSetting in the config file and run the unit tests again. It should now succeed and update the RingRefreshToken appSetting with a valid refresh token it can use on subsequent runs so it no longer needs credentials or two factor authentication to run the unit tests.

Available via NuGet

You can also pull this API in as a NuGet package by adding "KoenZomers.Ring.Api" or running:

Install-Package KoenZomers.Ring.Api

Package statistics: https://www.nuget.org/packages/KoenZomers.Ring.Api

Current functionality

With this API at its current state you can:

  • Authenticate to the Ring API with or without two factor authentication
  • Retrieve all registered Ring devices (Rings and Chimes) under your account
  • Retrieve the event history of your Ring devices
  • Download the movie recording of the event of your Ring devices
  • Share a recorded event
  • Download and refresh the latest snapshot from a Ring doorbell


Any kind of feedback is welcome! Feel free to drop me an e-mail at koen@zomers.eu or create an issue