
Create observable file system scopes using observ pattern.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create observable file system scopes using observ/unidirectional pattern.

Install via npm

$ npm install observ-fs

Directory API

var ObservDirectory = require('observ-fs/directory')

var directory = ObservDirectory([path, fs, cb])

Create a directory observer. All arguments are optional. The directory will not be created if it doesn't exist, instead `null' will be emitted as value.

directory(function(data){ })

Emits a list of all files and sub-directories in path whenever any child changes.

directory.set(path[, fs, cb])

Change the target of the directory observer. cb called after refresh.


Reload children and emit result (also calls cb with directory instance on load).


Stop watching.

var removeListener = directory.onClose(callback)

Get notified by callback when the directory is closed.

directory.exists (getter)

File API

var ObservFile = require('observ-fs/file')

var file = ObservFile(path[, encoding="utf8", fs, cb])

Create a file observer. Unlike ObservDirectory, the path cannot be changed later but the file will be created if it doesn't exist.

file(function(data){ })

Any changes made to the file will be emitted.

file.set(data[, cb])

Update the file with data specified.


Reload the file from disk and emit the data.


Delete the file stored on disk and close all other watchers.


Close the watcher.

var removeListener = file.onClose(callback)

Get notified by callback when the file is closed.